Why Trump is My Man – IOTW Report

Why Trump is My Man

If Trump wins and manages to get healthcare premiums deductible, I will begin chiseling his face on Mt. Rushmore.

Here are Trump’s healthcare proposals:


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

18 Comments on Why Trump is My Man

  1. Step one in fixing our shit economy is repealing Oblowmecare. No sound business man is going to invest anymore than they need to with health care costs exploding they way they are. If Trump gets elected I think you will see a positive impact even before he takes office.

  2. When talking about abolishing O’care just the other day, a co-worker asked what should we do instead of gov’t health care.

    My first few changes after abolishing O’care:
    1) Let health insurance be sold throughout the country (no state barriers),
    2) Tort reform
    3) Divorce health insurance from employer benefits (individuals can purchase health insurance at group levels) and have employers replace what they pay in benefits with wages (Trump’s #3 is part of this).

    Trumps ideas are terrific. Add my #2 and #3 and it would be perfect!

  3. Love all of it. With Obozo care there isn’t even portability between counties in most places. Absurd.

    As it stands I am facing greatly reduced coverage or paying a big tax on so-called Cadillac coverage. It’s a lose/lose situation.

  4. He’s close…he’s this close ><….but the insurance industry needs to be completely out of health care….hell, the insurance industry needs to go fuck themselves….in general directions, provided by me…

  5. DemocRat Family Values:
    Ku Klux Klan
    Jim Crow

    Gee Wally, so much for their vaunted equality, tolerance and fairness!
    And then we have some of the more infamous Shitholes brought to us by democRats:
    Detroit, MI
    Flint, MI
    Cincinnati, OH
    Cleveland, OH
    Miami, FL
    Baltimore, MD
    St. Louis, MO
    El Paso, TX
    Milwaukee, WI
    Philadelphia, PA
    Newark, NJ

    Show me any run down, burned out, poverty-stricken, stinking, rat-infested ghetto full of unemployed, uninformed, barely aware, dope-smoking, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement-rich, free-stuff-grabbing, short-attention span Lo Foz and I will show you DECADES of democRat lies, skullduggery, cities soft on crime, corrupt democRats rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends and complete dominance from taking advantage of poor people for political gain by selling Hope and Change every four years!

    Now, over the past eight years, they’ve even sread their wings to the Middle East! Just look at:
    Same shit!
    So you have to ask yerself; with a solid half century legacy of being filthy, federal tit-sucking parasites, why the fuck would anybody want anymore of their big lies?
    That’s why I’m voting for Trump. At least he knows how to build things and a track record of doing so!
    When the United States is healthy and doing well, everybody benefits… including the rest of the world!

  6. I was listening to one of his speeches the other day when he said he was going to order a review of all the regulations made in the last 8 years. And he said he will:

    Repeal 0bamacare,

    Dismantle commoncore,

    Rebuild our military,

    Save the 2A,

    Build the wall.

    Anybody who doesn’t vote for this guy should be doing time in a nut house.

  7. OT, but feel good story of Trump Turner: A very good friend who works for the Seattle schools just informed me today that there is no chance in hell she is voting for Killery!! This, coming from a woman who twice voted for obama. One more Washington vote for the T-Man!

    And she talked A LOT about Trump’s health insurance/care proposals being a centerpiece of her many reasons to vote for him. Her husband and daughter will vote Trump, too — so make that 3 votes out of “deep blue” Washington state. Yay!!

  8. The health insurance crisis in this country is another excellent issue to use as a conversion starter for people you meet/talk with. Be sure to ask them if they are registered to vote (many state deadlines are in October). We need every single vote, you Deplorable people!

  9. My supervisor at work is married and has three children (2 adults, 1 still in school, all living at home). He has a family plan. He did the math on the Cadillac tax and realized he’s going to be shelling out nearly $5,000 annually beginning in 2017. He can barely sleep nights now, wondering how TF he can afford this. He’s had no raise in 4-1/2 years and can barely pay his obligations as it is. I told him I was forming a support group for people who’ve been screwed over by Obama.

    He didn’t laugh. Usually he thinks I’m quite the comedian

  10. And a big thank you to BFH for ban hammering two moronic individuals who would have given the most idiotic, asinine arguments to this post, over and over and over, no matter how well the truth of this post got driven home. I wouldn’t mind a good argument, but they would have just said the same garbage 85 different ways just to run down Trump and his reforms.

  11. I have been a patient at a Seattle Clinic (associated with Swedish Hospital) for 30 years. My Primary care doctor is ok, but the first primary doctor was the best. Much of it is because of government regulations. About half the tests during a physical are NOT done today as they were 30 years ago. My current doctor admitted that. I was shocked. I’m on Medicare now and apparently Medicare is to blame. I truly don’t know. Many years ago my Vitamin D level was very low and the doctor then prescribed an OTC Vitamin D. I had to ask for that test. My Vitamin D level once again was quite low. There is more, but I’ve used a lot of space here. Be PROACTIVE with your health, escpecially if you are a senior citizen.

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