Why Trump Needs To Be President – IOTW Report

Why Trump Needs To Be President

How can #NeverTrump watch this video and simultaneously believe they are conservatives and stopping Trump, and ushering in Hillary, is the right thing to do?

ht/ NM

26 Comments on Why Trump Needs To Be President

  1. So, people who are being oppressed should not follow the law?

    Hey, I’m being oppressed as a white, Christian, straight, working taxpayer! This idiot has just given me permission to go into the hellhole known as southwest Yonkers tonight and bash in a couple of Messican heads!

    BTW–what DO they do to aliens who enter Mexico illegally.

  2. I know this will blow some minds but, again, we have to stop accepting that just because someone says they believe in something or “fight hard” for something doesn’t make it so. We have to look at the outcome of their actions.

    Yesterday I saw a video a commenter posted to another site and think it would be a good post to the BP. It was about the genesis of the Neo-Conservatives. It was an old educational-like video and looked like cold war propaganda, but it caused me to start looking at the origins of the John Birch Society. Remember them? And don’t a lot of people think, “Ewww..the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY??” Well? Hold on, though. Has anyone here been to their website recently — like in the past 20 years recently?

    We don’t know how many layers are still on this doctrinaire onion of so-called “True Conservatism.” I’m still learning. I think it’s safe to say that people who want to defeat a free thinker like Trump who has no “handlers”, no Super PACs, and whose personal safety is at real risk and instead want to ensure the perpetuation of everything they know will destroy us, are not conservatives. I’m not sure what they really are. I’m not even sure, in the end, if I can call myself conservative. Sometimes language can really trip us up. Especially if well-understood words are co-opted and twisted by groups in order to manipulate.

  3. He’s going to college? He sounds like he’s retarded. There was a time, and I know this is sooo quaint, but college was for the more intelligent. It wasn’t this vast holding pen where childishness is allowed to fester but where young people that attended were readied for adulthood. Ask this moron what books he’s read lately.

    This punk, an anchor baby, thinks he has the right to illegally come into my country and enjoy the benefits of citizenship. He’s incoherent, has no ideas what he is talking about and is mouthing talking points. He’s “oppressed” Please explain to me how you’re fucking oppressed. You’re here illegally, your illegal parents have undoubtedly enjoyed all of the perks of citizenship and you’re either going to get instate tuition rates or a free ride to college where you can hone your SJW skillz.

    Imagine protesting Mexican policies in Mexico City and admitting you were there illegally because your parents illegally entered the country.


  4. Whoever DT’d my comment, I’d love to know why you disagree. This is an important conversation to have. I think there is a big chunk of recent history (last 50-70 years) that hasn’t been examined today that may shed some light on how we got where we are. It’s not idle curiosity and I find it fascinating.

  5. GFY — I know there’s a fuller answer, but you can start by looking at what Mexico did to U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi — just for making a wrong turn at the border crossing. Mexico is corrupt. The cartels are running the place. That’s why Mexico wants an open border. A wall is going to destroy their drug revenue.

    (DT sent him $25,000. to get his life back in order when he was released, btw.)

  6. The more these Mexican and illegal thugs and protestors continue this the more Trump supporters they create. The American people are pissed off at this and the lamsestream medias attempt to portray this as being caused by Trump supporters. I for one don’t believe a damned word they say, they are the ones creating the problem and we’re supposed to believe that we’re causing it because we believe in law and order and justice. God forbid, these riots turn even uglier and some innocent person is shot and killed especially if it’s a beaner or some other oppressed member of a victim class. There will be Hell to pay if it goes that far.

  7. It’s really annoying to listen to “interviews” with liberal protestors. When asked a question, they recite the slogans and buzz words they have been taught and then…well, that’s about it. “Why are you protesting? I’m oppressed. Why don’t you like Trump? He’s oppressive. Should the United States enforce it’s laws? That’s oppression.”

    Personally, think it would be easier to just send a trained bear in lieu of taking one’s time to actually attend these types of protests. “Why are you protesting? Rrrrrrggggh. Why don’t you like Trump? Rrrrrggggh. Should the United States enforce its laws? Rrrrrggggh.” Intellectually, both the liberal and the trained bear provide basically the same knee-jerk response to questions, and if the bear eats the reporter, then that’s great television.

  8. All political terminology is amorphous.
    “Left” originally meant “Republican” and “right” meant “Monarchist.”
    Fast forward and “Monarchist” became “conservative” and “Republican” became “radical.”
    Fast forward a little more and Bolshevik became “conservative” and Menshevik became “Moderate.”
    A bit more and socialist became “Republican” and Monarchial Republican became “Fascist” even though “Fascist” was Italian Socialist.

    The idea is to demonize your opponents and confuse the ignorant.

    Hope this helps.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I’ve been harping on the definition of the word “conservative” since it became a call to bully anyone who has an original thought. It’s falsely tied to interpretation of the Constitution, but conservative is relative to people’s philosophy of life. It’s an illusive term.

  10. Tim —

    Now that’s what I’m talking about.

    Today’s lexicon and definitions:

    “Conservative” = Racist (and all synonyms)

    Sad, but true, to most U.S. college students.

  11. AA, Do you have a link to that video about the JB Society? For several decades I read their magazine, The New American and the precursor to that, The Review of the News. I did not find them “racist” as they had been smeared. I found it them ahead of their time in reporting.

  12. That video represents a small chunk of the war we have been losing against the left for a long long time. They hate our bill of rights, they hate our country and they hate us and they are much more organized than conservatives. The truly are the Borg working for the collective and there is nothing that is done without purpose. Anything as minor as sending a cop out to intimidate some little kid to stop reciting bible versus to trying to destroy our First and Second amendments.
    I think these ass holes all have the same vision of one day a World with out borders where we all look identical and there’s only one sexual identity. We all are given the same amount of money, we all live in identical dwellings, we all have the same driver less car. And once a week we all get together and sing that “I’d like to teach the world to sing” song right out of that 1980’s coke commercial. Except nobodies drinking a Coke, it’s go to much sugar in it, and we are not singing that song in English because that wouldn’t be fair. We now have a blended language with several words taken from each language. Except English, fuck English.
    And we are well on our way. Except for Non Politically correct DJT is turning out to be a fly in their soup. The Silent Majority is waking up and guess what. They’re not all white. I hope we are all awake by the time November gets here. If you don’t think we are at war you are wrong.

  13. PJ — I thought I bookmarked it. The video wasn’t about the JBS, though. It was about the history of “conservatism” — sort of setting the record straight about “neo-cons” and how they were really disenfranchised D’s who just moved over and set up shop on the right. I didn’t get through the entire video before I started thinking about the JBS and got sidetracked, looking at the JBS web site. I liked what I saw there, too.

    I’ll look for the video and post a link sometime in the next couple days. Maybe to the BP.

    So interesting.

  14. BB — Raise your right hand and repeat after me…

    There’s a LOT more you can do before your primary on Tuesday and it will be appreciated and needed more than you can imagine. Do some CallFire calling for the campaign. It takes less than 10 mins to set you up, the app is online, your personal phone (you can use land or cell, or switch whenever you please)is not used or made public, and all you need is a computer (laptop, tablet, Kindle, etc.) At this point you will be calling undecideds who need to hear from a fellow Californian. You will be amazed at the number of voters who have not yet decided and just need to hear a friendly voice who can speak a few words in support of Trump with conviction. You would be great because a)you’re intelligent and informed, and b)because you have personal stories of why he is the only choice to save jobs in California.

    Please, please consider spending even an hour or two this weekend, Monday and Tuesday doing this. Trump wants to take California. We think he’s got a shot at it. It can only happen if everyone pitches in.

    That goes for everyone here! You can call for 5 minutes or 5 hours. CallFire is super easy to use. Let me know if you have any questions.

    It would definitely put the cold hand of death on Killery’s shoulder if we can GOTV in CA, guys. And it will encourage all those hesitant Make America Great Again voters who don’t think their vote matters!

  15. @AbigailAdams Thanks for your bravery in trying to awaken us to the truth!

    It seems as if nothing will provoke a violent, negative response like the mere mention of the John Birch Society. Yet the facts are so easy to find. Like these:

    Captain John Morrison Birch was an exemplary young man, the son of Christian missionaries, he was a man of God himself who worked as a Christian missionary in China during WW II.

    Birch also showed his dedication to the Chinese and to his own country by volunteering for service with the U.S. forces who were fighting Japanese invaders in China. He did this even though he was exempted from the draft because he was an ordained minister.

    John Birch led Jimmy Doolittle and many other survivors of the Tokyo raid back to safety after they had been forced to parachute from their bombers behind Japanese lines on the China mainland.

    Capt. Birch was slain by Chinese communists on August 25, 1945, ten days after the official end of World War II. Although Birch suffered a horrible death, he lived an incredible life, which is why The John Birch Society is named after him today.

    By all accounts, Birch was a man of great skill and even greater modesty; when he was awarded the Legion of Merit in 1944, he wrote to his mother, “they ought not to cheapen the decoration by giving it when a man merely does his duty.” By war’s end, Birch had achieved the rank of captain and his duties had come under the spreading auspices of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

    Shortly after the war ended, Birch and a party of 11 Chinese were sent by the OSS to accept the surrender of a Japanese base. On Aug. 25, 1945, they met a group of Chinese communists who refused to allow them to pass. They disarmed Birch, and shot his aide Lt. Tung when he tried to intervene (Tung lived to tell the tale of Birch’s treatment). Birch’s ankles were bound and he was made to kneel for execution, then shot in the back of his head. Birch, who had spent the war working behind enemy lines to serve both God and country, is considered by many to be the first casualty of the Cold War.

    Founded in 1958 and headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, The John Birch Society is dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the U.S. Constitution. It has never had anything to do with deep south racism or the KKK or any other forms of bigotry and prejudice. Their published goal has always been this: “United by a strong belief in personal freedom and limited government, members work to achieve the mission of the organization: to bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.”

    The John Birch Society was the first anti-communist organization, and has suffered for their unwavering devotion to American and all the best things she stands for!

    The Verona papers released in the 80’s PROVED the communist had infiltrated every aspect of American life, especially our own government.
    That is why they have done everything within their considerable power to tarnish the good name of Reverend John Morrison Birch, and the society formed by the outrage of his murder!

    Please, for the sake of this great nation, take just a moment to consider what the preceding actually means. We’ve all been lied to, and the tangible results of this heinous deception are now clearly visible all around us. These Godless monsters have nearly won their objectives. We all must now decide to either fight or surrender. God Bless!

  16. Chance — Thanks very much for this info! As I wrote, above, I’m still learning what *this* all means. But I really started to think about some of my assumptions the other day and it really all started with the question of where did the #NeverTrump-ers ever get the notion that an entrenched anti-American (principles) woman like Clinton and an avowed Socialist/Communist like Sanders would ever be a good alternative to an American entrepreneur who’s political leanings are fully “conservative?” To my mind, there has to be another reason that I’m completely missing. What is that reason? I’m not there yet.

    My entire life — if it rarely came up at all — The John Birch Society was linked to fanatical racism. Interesting that the latter day Tea Party was also completely marginalized in pop culture in the same way. John McCain, who made his name in politics because he was considered a war hero, called the Tea Party and Trump voters “crazies.” Who is McCain, really? And what about Mark Levin and all those guys from NR? These people have been looked up to as standard bearers for the Tea Party. What happened and when?

    Curiouser and curiouser. Who is this gov’t and why do they all hate America?

  17. America (the ideal, not the reality) is a thorn in the side of Inter-National Socialism and must be eradicated.
    That’s the long and the short of it.
    Whenever you hear someone speak of Globaloney bullshit, they’re one of THEM and will sacrifice America, and all Americans, to their Satanic vision of the World.
    And make no mistake – Satanic, it is.
    Their only allegiance is to raw, limitless power.
    They lie, steal, cheat, murder, pervert, torture, dissimulate – anything and everything evil – to attain their ends. They can appear reasonable (if it suits their purpose) or horrendous (if that suits their purpose) but their aim is always the same – to “create” Hell on Earth and stamp out all instances of Truth, Beauty, and Godliness. They hate God because He is the Truth and Jesus is the Word – and their (the Totalitarians) envy and hatred know no bounds.
    They come in many guises and speak with honeyed tongues. They convince the incredulous and persecute the skeptical and the righteous. Their attainment of power ALWAYS leads to destruction – for it can lead no where else. A smoking ruin gives them pleasure and the birth of an innocent grieves them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. One word Abigail, communism.

    I suspect that many of these “useful idiots” you are now questioning are blissfully unaware that they’ve been compromised by ideologies that are antithetical to everything that is good and decent in America.

    As just one example you write, “Who is McCain, really?” He’s the son of a Navy Admiral who would have never graduated from the Naval Academy without his father’s clout because he was a lousy cadet! Before he ever made it into combat, he destroyed two aircraft, as in not a very good pilot, and again would have been cashiered (thrown out) if not for his Admiral father. But most troubling of all is the fact that the North Vietnamese code named him “songbird” because he was so willing to tell them everything he knew! Research and you’ll find that most of the men who were there with him saw him get special treatment and avoid most of the hardships that they endured. While I will not make light of the fact the he was in an NVA prison during the war, careful research reveals that he was most likely compromised (there’s that word again) while being held. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg!

    They (the bad guys) have controlled the information we get for decades now. Remember Walter Cronkite, supposedly the most trusted name in news, turns out he was a far left communist sympathizer the whole time. And the previous pillar of journalism, Edward R. Murrow who vilified Joe McCarthy, he was being controlled by a Soviet agent, I think it was Owen Lattimore, but I can’t find my research on it at the moment. The point is, we’ve been lied to and manipulated for many decades by the singular evil known as communism in all its various forms; progressives, socialists, democratic socialists, fabian socialists, and on and on. It’s very much like the movie They Live, once you put on the sunglasses and actually see what’s there, you simply can’t believe your eyes. That’s what you are currently experiencing, but take heart! You are not alone, and what you are finally seeing for the first time is real. It’s at this point I bow my head and offer this humble prayer:

    “Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these violent and unruly people with which we have had to contend. Grant us the strength for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as righteous soldiers who call Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.” ~ As paraphrased from the prayer written by Chaplain Fr. James O’Neill for General Patton during WW II.

  19. Chance — Again and again, thank you. Last year I made it through research on the real “McCarthy Era”, including the lie of E.R. Murrow. Good night and good luck, my eye. There is a scholar and lecturer on the subject who has a 20+ part lecture series on YT, too, on Hiss and Chambers. I posted the series to the BP: “A Pumpkin Patch, A Typewriter, And Richard Nixon.” The producer, John Berresford, considers this pursuit his hobby. It’s a good primer to pass along to people, though you are more informed than a majority of us.


    I miss M. Stanton (Stan) Evans a lot!

    We are seeing the same infiltration today by the Muslim Brotherhood. Or is it just a continuation of the same?

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