Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester? – IOTW Report

Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?


Filming the incident from behind Babbit, however, was Utah resident John Sullivan – founder of the far-left organization “Insurgence USA” who made headlines in July after he was arrested for intimidating drivers in Provo. Sullivan was interviewed by the Daily Mail and CNN following Wednesday’s shooting – both of which failed to provide a satisfactory answer as to why he was there in the first place.


ht/ Plain Jane

13 Comments on Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?

  1. A wishy washy Trump supporter let me know she was so upset that Trump sent a mob to hurt all. And she went on to say the woman broke a window deserving to be shot. WTF? Are people this gullible and not able to think critically?! We’ve had city after city destroyed over police shooting violent criminals in the process of fighting them when being subdued for committing crimes over the last 7 months and she thinks it is justified for an officer to shoot an unarmed woman point blank in her face/neck instead of just pushing her back? And with that in mind weren’t the Trump supporters than free to go loot and burn down DC over an unjust shooting? I’m just so disappointed in how effective these lies are. There was a million people there, if that many people stormed the capital we wouldn’t even be discussing this today. That woman is no longer my acquaintance.

  2. This is just the beginning of the farcical play that is about to unfold. Pray, protect your family and don’t believe anything without checking it out. Get off the TV and open your Bible, that’s where the answers lay.

  3. So who is the guy that shot Ashli? Whats his name, picture, background and whats the status of the investigation to determine if this was a righteous shoot, etc? The press is all over cop incidents so WTF? And speaking of WTF, whats with the three other deaths yesterday apparently from natural causes that the press is breathlessly reporting…Covid-19?

  4. And we are told the the FBI is investigating. Most likely there to suppress evidence and keep the truth hidden. They can no longer be trusted, none of them. The US is sinking fast.

  5. He was probably one of the guys who smashed their way into CNN headquarters in Atlanta back in May, and they were so impressed, they hired him as a stringer on the spot.

  6. The piece of shit was an agitator posing as a Trump supporter, encouraging the crowd to go further and further. Of course, once he helped break the window and saw security, he let the ladies and other real Trump supporters go first. Hence the poor woman was murdered.

    Sad to say it, but it was professional agitators leading amateur protesters into harms way.


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