Why Was Full Video of Jamaal Bowman’s Fire Alarm Pull Suppressed Until Now? – IOTW Report

Why Was Full Video of Jamaal Bowman’s Fire Alarm Pull Suppressed Until Now?

Now we get to see the lying f88ks’ full actions. We were told he thought it would “open the door.”

What we didn’t see was him ripping signs off the door and then turning and pulling alarm and walking away, not at all interested if the door would the open.

He needs to be ousted and then jailed for insurrection. He tried to interfere with the process of government.

And AOC should be…

13 Comments on Why Was Full Video of Jamaal Bowman’s Fire Alarm Pull Suppressed Until Now?

  1. Of course, the “go-to” is to blame the Republicans for questioning this Demwits motives. The “What if” doesn’t matter if there is enough proof the Capitol Critter Dindu Nuffin intentionally pulled the fire alarm. Now there’s video evidence that can’t be denied. Still, somehow AOC tries to make it the Republicans fault. A Marxist tactic. Guilt your enemy with a more grievous crime.

  2. “He needs to be ousted and then jailed for insurrection. He tried to interfere with the process of government.”

    No, no; he just needs to apologize and pay a small fine. You know, just like the J-6 protesters who were charged with the same crime.

  3. so sick of the double, triple & quadruple standard of ‘justice’ our government doles out. if a J6 defendant did this he/she would be facing 6 years to life in a federal penitentiary.

    absolutely loathe the privilege that those that rule us proclaim w/ their strutting arrogance …. I do not understand the shame & filth that they proudly wear like a holy relic

    our country has become an evil abomination … I apologize to future generations that will live under the yolk of Authoritarianism for centuries to come

    our arrogance & hubris has broke us down to just another foolish experiment of ridiculous human Utopia

  4. “He tried to interfere with the process of government.”

    He DID interfere with the process of government – he SHUT DOWN THE HOUSE OF REPREHESIBLES for the duration of the alarm and the clearing, thereof.

    This single act is far worse than the peaceful assembly on January 6.

    Again, We the People, are being shown how “justice” is tainted in this “us vs. them” banana republic under Nazi/Stalinist/Demonrat “rule.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. He learned this trick (or did he teach it to) the delinquent Dindus at his school. He is a public school “educator”.

    False alarms are standard procedure for LOWLIFES to disrupt schools and hospitals. Hell yes, he should be prosecuted, and sentenced to EXPULSION from Office for unworthiness.

  6. From CNN article:
    ” It’s still possible for Bowman to face federal prosecution over the incident, though it is unclear whether Justice Department prosecutors are reviewing the matter. A spokesperson for the US attorney’s office in DC declined to comment.”

    The duplicity of the DoInjustice is quite clear. They will not prosecute despite clear reason to do so.
    They will wear all the shit of HunterBiden on their faces in perpetuity.


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