Why was Senator Jeff Flake in Cuba? – IOTW Report

Why was Senator Jeff Flake in Cuba?

AT: We have learned that Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona visited Cuba.  According to news reports, he was there with a businessman:

The meeting was the first with an American government guest since taking office for Díaz-Canel, who remains subordinate to the country’s leader, dictator Raúl Castro.

Joining Flake in Havana was the chief executive of Google, Eric Schmidt, who encouraged Communist Party leaders to allow internet companies to seek greater profits on the island.  more here

19 Comments on Why was Senator Jeff Flake in Cuba?

  1. little known fact:
    Feb 11, 2002 – HAVANA, Cuba – Carole King serenaded Fidel Castro with “You’ve Got a Friend” at a weekend dinner.

    Obviously, Flakey met up with Carole K. and James T. for an encore.

  2. We need to resurrect the many biblical Proverbs that kept our society/American culture humming along, like:

    Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

    IOW: You are the company you keep, or You are known by the company you keep.

    So simple, so true. Look at anyone on the Left for proof of that simple sentiment.

  3. He’s been going to Cuba for years. Probably been there twenty times. Remember how they were telling us what a staunch conservative he was when he was just a lowly Representative? He was on the shuttle to Cuba the whole time. Staunch conservative. Bullshit.

    I wonder what Bob Corker’s pet Shithole is. Maybe Gowdy’s got a pet Shithole, too. Let’s all quit our jobs and go lobby for Shithole countries.

    To paraphrase the bumper sticker, “End this Endless Lobbying”

  4. “allow internet companies to seek greater profits on the island”

    Last time I checked (which was a while, though not a long while ago), the “inter” part of Cuba’s Internet™ infrastructure consisted of a rusty soup can in Cuba, a string, and a shiny soup can in Haiti, with people yelling “Juan” and “Oh” – because Haiti had better global connectivity. So who’s funding – actually paying, not merely signing someone else’s name to the blank check – the install of all the shiny new kit Cuba needs to have a “commercially viable” Internet™?

  5. Why is he in Cuba?

    Same reason anyone else does I suppose. Free healthcare. 100% literacy rate. Beautiful 1950s cars. Quaint peoples unmolested by US cultural hegemony.

    You know. That old chestnut.


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