Why would a deaf guy walk on railroad tracks? – IOTW Report

Why would a deaf guy walk on railroad tracks?

Okay, who’s going to be the first one to drop the old joke about the Mexican killed by a weasel?

25 Comments on Why would a deaf guy walk on railroad tracks?

  1. There are tracks in some of my favorite hunting and fishing locations. I can hear perfectly and I NEVER walk between the rails. There is always plenty of room along the sides.
    There is a long railway bridge south of baltimore that has no room along the sides of the rails. It is 100’s of yards long. Even though there are huge warning signs to not walk on the bridge, every few years a moron gets killed, either by getting hit by a train or hitting the ground of the gorge below after jumping off when the train is coming.

  2. The train was thwarted in attacking it’s natural prey……this time.

    However….that guy seems unnaturally predisposed towards death, so my money is on the train over the long haul.

  3. The Rat Fink, beat me to it. I heard it told as Three (ethnic) hunters arguing about what kind of tracks one of the three had found in the snow. All three were killed by the train instantly. I have lived near the tracks that run from Boston to NYC for years. Always respect their danger. And if you can’t hear for any reason, wind, heavy rain, ear muffs, alcohol, etc. then stay well out of the way of RR traffic. Unless you have some desire to be carried off to the morgue in three or more separate bushel baskets as a giant yuck. (Basket Case)

  4. “Jerold Braun is a typical urban resident unaware of the predatory danger lurking just beyond the chain link fence tipped with barbwire, the gravel embankment and the clearly marked signs…

    Casually the pedestrian makes his way blithely onto the metal train tracks…. and sits down.

    The train, now sensing it’s opportunity to attack begins to decelerate with a horrific screech of metal on metal punctuated by blasts of an air powered horn.

    Jerold continues to sit, unaware that the track vibrations, cacophony of metal screeching and bits of gravel jumping up and down, is for his behalf…..”

    Would literally pay money to watch a BBC documentary on train wrecks narrated by David Attenborough.

  5. The main Southern Pacific rail line that goes from Florida to California passes in front of the chemical plant I used to work at. One morning, as a dozen employees stood in front of the admin building smoking, a man stopped his car on US HWY 90, got out and stripped naked while everyone watched. He ran off the highway through the ditch and onto the tracks and sat down just as a freight train traveling at 55 MPH slammed into him exploding his body all over the place. Turned out he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer the day before and apparently couldn’t deal with the thought of dying that way. The employees who witnessed it have to live with seeing that until they die.

  6. A kid I taught in Sunday School grew to be 17. It stopped there because he and his friends got the idea that the train yards were their play ground. The only details I got were, one night he, his friends and Jack Daniels were train hopping. He on the back of a leaned far over for a view just as an oncoming train passed.

    It was a closed casket type deal.

    That looked like a commuter train so I’ll keep this observation to freight trains. We are talking 100s of thousands of tons. The earth rumbles. A sober Helen Keller would know enough to know were she was standing there that death was approaching and that she needed to jump off the freaking track without delay.

  7. I regret to admit we would lay on the ground NEAR the tracks when I was a kid… as a dare. I needed parental supervision. It’s quite remarkable that I lived to adulthood.


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