Why Would a Minority White World Be Better? – IOTW Report

Why Would a Minority White World Be Better?

I’m not asking this question bitterly.

I’m not asking it combatively.

I’m not asking it to open up a can of racially charged comments.

I’m asking this sincerely. Given the current climate amongst politicians, academics and their lemmings, where white people are condemned for… being white… what, specifically, would make the world better if whites were a minority race?

44 Comments on Why Would a Minority White World Be Better?

  1. The non-whites would have fun frittering away all the wealth created by white people. The inability to see the future result from a current trend would keep the non-whites from understanding that there would be a downside of such destructive behavior.

  2. The power grid and communications networks would fail, the refineries and oil wells would fail, and government of the people would be overthrown in favor of ‘warlords.’ Food production would fail. Famine and disease would be rampant.

    The earth would heal itself, as the human infestation would be greatly reduced; most of the planet would return to an ideal state of nature, sans humans. Utopia!

    …well, except for those evil white folks who survived and began to rebuild, sans POC.

  3. If whites are the minority:

    Would it mean I couldn’t be called racist anymore?
    Could I call someone a nigger?
    What status would my privilege be?
    Could I demand reparations for something that happened over a century ago?
    Would whites dominate commercials and print ads?
    Would whites dominate “Let’s Make A Deal?”
    Would whites dominate “The Price Is Right?”
    Would whites get to bitch and moan about being oppressed so much that ALL THE OTHER RACES ARE SICK TO DEATH OF IT?”

  4. The only benefit would be that all the people of color, who are now minorities, could beat and rob all the white folk without concerns for punishment. A by product would be that wed would descend into a Hell like most African or Arab countries. Also, you forgot to mention they want to get rid of all Christians.

  5. OpenTheDoor- Exactly. Whites on a global scale are a minority.

    Common sense will tell you that you should go ask a person how they got successful, instead of tearing them down for being successful. You don’t have to BE white and you don’t have to look white. But if you’re living in a shack surrounded by dumbasses who are still painting their faces or if you are living in a tent with a wife who is dressed like a hefty bag and your kids are covered in fleas, you may want to take a sneak peek at a western cultural blueprint to get yourself out of your misery instead of trying to spread misery and destruction.

    As for the ones who live in America. Blacks, hispanics, whatever, living in ghettos, Same goes. Especially if they were born here. You have every opportunity a white kid has. The only things that hold you back are tribalism and government handouts.

  6. White people messed up the planet. They provided medicine, food, and technology to non-white areas of the world, causing mortality rates to fall and the overall world population to explode. Chalk it up to the law of unintended consequences.

  7. “Here is a thought. Maybe they would finally take responsibility for themselves if there was no one to do it for them.”

    Close enough. That is a true statement.

    The problem with permanent victims is that they will always game others to get by. A sense of entitlement is often at the bottom of it all.

    Being left out in the woods a few hundred miles from civilization would go a long way to correcting this problem.

    Them or me. I’d be fine. Them? Highly likely to become food for nature. If not, great. Problem solved either way.

  8. Dad of 4,

    From my first hand observations, you hit it on the head but I would even leave off the “to get by” part of it.

    It is for another purpose. I want to say greed or for showmanship or one upmanship, or for the “I have.” I think it might be more like the squirrel stashing nuts. Except too few stash it.

    “The problem with permanent victims is that they will always game others to get by.”

  9. Well, according to Revrum Al Sharpton, “White folks was in the caves while we was building empires…We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” So it looks like if whites are in the minority, the colorful folk will get back to being kangz!

  10. 1st, they’d have to work harder to get by. Mostly because too many white people wouldn’t have to. Entitlements and such.
    2nd, they ones who did work harder, would gain more, become distrustful of the system take begins to take more of what they make.
    3rd, those who don’t work harder will start in on those who do. There’s already examples of the ‘Uncle Tom Syndrome’ that permeates the victim class. It’ll just get worse until…
    4th, the achievers will end up taking sides with the new white minority because they’ll wake up and smell the coffee. Now a mixed race(s) of achievers will try to right the ship.
    5th, when they try to right the ship, the whole mess will start over again, with a new, improved, victim class.

  11. “The world would be better because there would be fewer oppressive, racist, straight, able-bodied, privileged, [insert imagined phobias ad nauseum here] Whites.”
    – Leftist “logic” (sic)

  12. First of all, it’s *not* about “responsibility.”
    Second, it’s not even about minority/majority
    (i.e. victim/oppressor) status.

    It’s only about genocide.
    They seek a “minority” of ZERO.

  13. Whites are the LEAST racist people.

    Ever work around exclusively WOMEN, BLACKS, MEXICANS? They are not inclusive AT ALL. Not friendly, abuse your rights, ignore your complaints. –Heck, don’t even want to speak your language.

    As they steamroll all over you, and you look for a little justice, they just say, “Hey, majority rules buddy!”

  14. What would happen? The dark ages would return. Humanity would go full circle right back to primitive civilization. Most accumulated knowledge would be forgotten. All economy’s would flat line. No modern medicine, no innovation, no science, no hope. The human race would simply die off from tribalism.

  15. Look at Africa. You have a continent with untold wealt in the ground, from oil to precious metals to minerals and yet, rampant abject poverty. Like MJA said, Islam, Tribalism, Superstition. Liberty, free market capitalism, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be a game changer. Alas……

  16. it’s already a minority white world. in 1900 whites were 30% of the world population. today whites are 10% of the world population.

    what will it be 100 years from now?

  17. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t want to be a part of that world.

    I wonder if globalist elites realize that if such a scenario were to unfold, their wealth would be worthless, as there would be no economies to support such a thing?

    They would have ‘stuff’ and ‘things’, but what would be the point? I guess they could rule their own little fiefdoms, but again, I don’t see the point.

    Oh well, being a Leftist concept, I doubt if anyone has really thought it through.

  18. Notice how the left’s lamentations about the rights of indigenous peoples stops at the borders of Europe. Anti-whiteism is real and stupid and dangerous. A world without whites would soon be a world with only Asians after China figured out they’re not crippled by white guilt and Africa and South America sound like great places to expand to.

  19. I agree about the ailments, but would put them in chronological order of Tribalism, Superstition, Islam, and most recently Communism/Marxism.

    I’m reading Theodore Dalrymple’s “Zanzibar to Timbuktu”. Even without any other input, that alone, would cure one of that idle wonder. Most recently the Chinese are having a hella time. There is the occasional African who is fluent in the language but is still unable to communicate what the problem is. There’s a video “Empire of Dust, Cnina in Africa” (2011). This is a short excerpt.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqO7zlGHEJ4 .

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