Why Would an ALL GIRL School Worry That the Term Girl is Offensive? – IOTW Report

Why Would an ALL GIRL School Worry That the Term Girl is Offensive?

If you’re a transgender in an all-girl school you should be asked to leave the school.


Teachers in all-girls schools in the U.K. may soon stop calling female students “girls” in an effort to be more “inclusive” to transgender students, according to Sunday reports.

Caroline Jordan, the president of the U.K.’s Girls’ Schools Association, and leading principals suggested that in certain situations, such as group assemblies, teachers should use “gender neutral” nouns in order to be more inclusive and sensitive to the needs of transgender students, according to the Telegraph.

“Every year there are more and more young people posing questions around their gender identity. I do not want anyone to think that girls’ or boys’ schools are invested in one way of being a girl or one way of being a boy,” Jordan told the Telegraph.

England’s publicly funded Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust reportedly saw 697 children last year younger than 18 who claimed last year they experienced some gender identity confusion.

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ht/ fdr in hell

14 Comments on Why Would an ALL GIRL School Worry That the Term Girl is Offensive?

  1. I would be the first to jump on someone who called a tranny “girl” because it offended ME not “it”.

    This sect of society needs to come up with an adjective that is exclusive to their plight, er, I mean journey in this life, and leave women the hell out of it.

    They are not feminine, they are queer, which in this situation means odd.

    Whatever rots their teeth, is also rotting the brains o’Brits.

  2. If I say that I am a Martian, does that make me a Martian? Or just an idiot with an overactive imagination from reading too many sci fi novels or watching too many sci fi movies as a kid. Even if I changed my name to John Carter or Marvin the Martian it still wouldn’t make me a Martian. And besides that babes like Deja Thoris don’t really exist except in the minds of horny adolescent boys. Do they have trannies on Mars? Now that would for a really bad sci fi movie. If only back in the 50’s we could’ve had Tranny Women From Mars.

  3. 18 things ‘trans’ men are tired of hearing?

    1) You’re insane.
    2) You’re crazy.
    3) You’re looney.
    4) You’re nuts. [pre-op only]
    5) You’re bonkers.
    6) You’re mental.
    7) You’re mad.
    8) You’re psycho.
    9) You’re deranged
    10) You’re demented.
    11) You’re unbalanced.
    12) You’re unhinged.
    13) You’re touched.
    14) You’re out of your mind.
    15) You’re nutty as a fruitcake. [pre-op only]
    16) You’re of unsound mind.
    17) You have too many loose screws.
    18) You’re our newest mental patient.

  4. Ok, let’s once again ask the eternally helpful question: What would Bruce Campbell do?

    He’d address the crowd with the statement: “Listen-up you primitive screw heads!” That, my friends, is the perfect collective noun for us to use going forward.

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