“Why would I want to open up a business if I’m not going to make any money?” – IOTW Report

“Why would I want to open up a business if I’m not going to make any money?”

Such a simple question. The answer is simple as well. You wouldn’t.

This is the folly of the leftist. They look at Amazon and dream about stealing 90% of their revenue. They also think they’ll be more Amazons in the future to rob from. There won’t be. Amazon wouldn’t be what it is today if it started under a leftist confiscatory regime. It would be impossible.

This is what communists do. They rob the fruits of capitalism, take over, and then raise their hands in exaltation and declare (as they scan the infrastructure and scenery), “see what our policies have produced?!!?”

Communism has never produced a goddamn thing. They steal, and then run everything into the ground.

wash exam-

Pawn Stars host Rick Harrison defended capitalism and backed hard work as the key to success during his second appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday.

“Bernie Sanders wants to tax me at 90%,” Harrison said during a question-and-answer session after his 10-minute speech at the event in National Harbor, Maryland. “Why would I want to open up a business if I’m not going to make any money?”

“It is very difficult to explain to a younger person because they do not teach anything about economics or capitalism or anything that made this country great in high school and in college anymore,” Harrison said. “They come out of college, they come out of college, all they know is that a corporation is evil and capitalism is evil, and I should get free medical care, I should get free school, I should get free everything for the rest of my life.”


18 Comments on “Why would I want to open up a business if I’m not going to make any money?”

  1. “Why would I want to open up a business if I’m not going to make any money?”

    Well of course that must be because you hate women and minorities

  2. “Amazon wouldn’t be what it is today if it started under a leftist confiscatory regime. It would be impossible.”
    and yet, Amazon’s OWNER, Jeff Bezos, supports the very leftists whose policies would have stood in the way of his success. Gotta wonder about people…….

  3. Rick Harrison: “So what is it worth?”

    Expert: “I’d say $10.00”

    Rick: “Bernie, I’ll give you $5.00 for it.”

    Bernie: “bububut, he just said it’s worth ten!”

    Rick: “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie…I have to make some money if I’m going to buy it. And it doesn’t even work.”

    Bernie: “This is bullshit, you capitalist pig!!”

    ::storms out clutching his Soviet Toaster::

  4. RE: The tree huggers at the meeting sing about the death of the tree.
    Remember, “There’s a hole in the sky where a tree once was ….Somebody is making money.”
    Don’t you know? Businesses are not out there to make money, they are there to provide for people to make $15 an hour doing nothing.

  5. @ txfella FEBRUARY 28, 2020 AT 2:24 PM
    “and yet, Amazon’s OWNER, Jeff Bezos, supports the very leftists whose policies would have stood in the way of his success. Gotta wonder about people……”

    Happens every damn time. The ones who have “made it” conspire w/government to protect what they see as their exclusive turf.

  6. The buzz phrase is “barriers to entry.” A socialist/communist government exists to provide power, money and status to the hierarchy, and those who have want to deny opportunity to those who do not have. Bezos isn’t going to lose his mansions, airplanes or yachts, but socialism is going to eliminate most of his competition.

    Bernie Sanders is a prime, but not an isolated instance of the benefits of socialism. He has no skills. He has never started or successfully run a business. He has no track of record of any success other than getting elected. He is promising “free” things to young idiots who have yet to figure out they need to work to get things, but Bernie isn’t going to provide anything – the taxpayers are. Bernie doesn’t know, and more importantly doesn’t care about how these things he is promising get paid for or even if they are paid for. Sanders will literally tell you anything you want to hear to get elected and re-elected because government is his rice bowl.

    As the Soviet Union, Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela have shown, the government can confiscate wealth. But just once. After that, anyone who wants wealth and power gravitates to government service, but because there is no profit incentive or bottom line, there is no incentive to take any risks and consequently the best that anyone can hope for is to maintain the status quo. And all of this is done on the backs of those ignorant and greedy fools who wanted things for free and put people like Bernie Sanders in power.

  7. It takes brains, guts, determination, talent, skill and years of experience and sweat to compete against the very best in a Capitalistic system. In Socialism, not so much. It doesn’t take much talent to lie, cheat and steal someone else’s efforts. What qualifications could that possibly involve???
    So in fact, when it comes right down to it, just about any Asswipe can be a worthless, fukkin deadbeat parasite like Bernie! The only “talent he has is being able to stay out of prison!

  8. @TRF February 28, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    > It takes brains, guts, determination, talent, skill and years of experience and sweat to compete against the very best in a Capitalistic system.

    I’m Hnuter Biden, and I approve this message.


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