Why Yes, I Have Seen It All – IOTW Report

Why Yes, I Have Seen It All

I hadn’t seen it all until I saw this video.

It depicts a quaint lass, the type you bring home to mother, providing your mother is a low-life.

“Prepare yourself for something amazing.” — Sal Vulcano

Girl sh8ts on Trump sign, picks it up with bare hands and smears it.

You win. You win. You’re the most vile cretin of all.

This is the kind of stuff the Manson Family would applaud.

ht/ fdr in hell

47 Comments on Why Yes, I Have Seen It All

  1. You know what I like? I like that the interwebz is forever, which means that a current or potential employer could see this. Or her proud parents. Or her future fiancé, who will take one look at this and put that sparkly diamond ring right back into his pocket and run like hell. Or her future (probably illegitimate) children, who will fear that their friends might also see it and make fun of them relentlessly. So, so many ways this could come back to haunt her and her family.

  2. Nope. Don’t wanna see it.
    I’m a retired plumber and have seen more shit than most, but, no … I’m not gonna watch a girl make an Obama and then smear him … have a little respect …

    izlamo delenda est…

  3. @OpenTheDoor: Resorting to manufactured “news” is what got Dan Rather and Brian Williams where they are today – living in No Credibility Land. Stick to the truth and people will believe your message. Do stuff like this and they will doubt everything you say, whether true or not.

  4. You may be on to something there Vietvet.
    I wasn’t able to view the video on Pamela’s site for some reason but could watch the one in the link you posted. Doesn’t look like the USA.

  5. The reason the left always wins all rhetoric wars, is because they lie, the don’t retract, they defend all of their actions & never apologize. You may say that this is loathsome behavior from loathsome people-correct. This, unfortunately, is how you win the war of words. Think I’m wrong? Remember Harry Reid making up the lie that Magic Mormon Mitt Romney was a dirty tax cheat w/o any proof required? Months later when questioned about it, Reid laughed and said, “Well, he didn’t get elected, did he?”

    You wanna beat liberals, you give your coat to Jonah Goldberg to hold and you get down in the mud with the pig.

  6. Geezs Vietvet, why you always godda be the adult? You are correct about promoting false news stories no matter how likely they are to depict what our lefty friends would do. The way libs are reacting so far, it would not surprise me if one of them actually do take a dump on a Trump sigh or picture. Some of them have already deficated on our flag.

    In related news: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/264796/pro-fake-news-sites-complain-about-amateur-fake-daniel-greenfield

    And thanks for your service Vietvet.

  7. I had to laugh with my son this morning when I was talking to him, he said the real reason all these weenies are upset is that they didn’t get a participation trophy after the election. My 34 year old son gets it but he’s also a husband and father and works hard at what he does and doesn’t like these weenies who whine and complain about everything.

  8. @vietvet thanks for pointing out that the video was a fake (not from a Trump protester). Although now the fake (Soro’s funded) will probably do this to get more attention than they deserve. Disgusting!

  9. Pamela 86’d the video (presumable when she learned it was an old import from a foreign protest).

    While it was up, the video prompted Lucifer to comment: “See, those protesters really DO give a shit.”

  10. Hello, feces my old friend
    I’ve come to squeeze yoou out again
    Cause with a medium that I was pinching
    Made a smearing without flinching
    And a movement that was started in my bowels
    Still befouls
    Became a sign of Marxists

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