WI Gov. Defies Open Records Law -What’s He Hiding? – IOTW Report

WI Gov. Defies Open Records Law -What’s He Hiding?

Star Tribune: Gov. Tony Evers refused to release one day’s worth of emails as requested under Wisconsin’s open records law, a move advocacy groups say is an illegal interpretation of the law.

WITI-TV reports that it initially made a request under the open records law for just over four weeks of emails between Democrat governor and his chief of staff, Maggie Gau. When Evers’ assistant legal counsel, Erin Deeley, denied the request, the TV station narrowed it to one week. When that was rejected, it narrowed the request to just one day.

That, too, was rejected. More

12 Comments on WI Gov. Defies Open Records Law -What’s He Hiding?

  1. Classic MSM Slanting the news. They made damn sure to say former Gov Scott Walker was a Republican. But they also made damn sure to NOT say what party current Gov Tony Evers is from, the Democrat Party. The media is despicable.

  2. He may not be hiding anything now but rather trying to set a precedent that he can then further restrict down the road

    I used to have a friend who worked in the federal government (Canadian) in the office of one of the cabinet ministers (your Secretary). One of the jobs of her department was fulfilling the FOI (Freedom of Information) requests that would come in. If they knew that the request was because the citizen or opposition MP had a thread about a scandal they’d have any number of ways to block the request even though they knew exactly which documents they wanted. One way was to generalize the request so the the initial estimate would encompass 15,000 pages and that the charge would be $20,000 which they knew the requestor didn’t have, or they’d estimate that the request would take a year to fill or they’d would be absolutely exact and if there was a comma or a space missing in the request it would get lost for a month or two then get returned as incomplete without an explanation as to why. A dirty business and it really changes people.

  3. All you have to do is look at the guy’s face to know he’s a pussy (no, not a cat), a fruiter, and a shit-for-brains liberal.

    He’s the poster child for liberals. I can spot them a mile away.

  4. Simple!

    Request emails between the gov and chief of staff Gau where:

    — either the “From” or “To” email address contains the @ sign, or

    — the text contains any of of the words “the”, “a”, or “an”, or

    — the email headers contain the string “Content-Type”.

  5. And Wisconsonians wonder why their dairy industry is falling apart. Put a damnocrat in charge and he’ll regulate you out of business every time.

    How do this soyboys get people to vote for them? Personally I don’t think anyone does…it’s the Russians!


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