WI Governor Caught Pulling National Guard From The Border – IOTW Report

WI Governor Caught Pulling National Guard From The Border

House member Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) appeared on Fox & Friends yesterday. The congressmen had just returned from a 2 -week deployment to the Tuscan, AZ border as part of the Air National Guard.  During the interview Kinzinger asserted that the newly elected governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, has ordered the withdrawal of National Guard units assisting the border patrol. The congressman also asserted that the democrat governor had issued the order in secret because he didn’t want voters to know. Statement made at the 1:06 mark Here

In an obvious panic, Evers tweeted a response in the late afternoon, confirming the withdrawal of 112 members of the Wisconsin national guard. The order revoking their deployment was only issued that day. More

14 Comments on WI Governor Caught Pulling National Guard From The Border

  1. Send regular army units to backfill in CA and NM. Then, federalize the CA, NM and WI national guard to backfill for the regular army units at their home bases.

    See what the traitorous dems do about it.

  2. A very good friend of mine is with the WI ANG and he has told me that the NG is very supportive Of President Trump and he is very well liked. The only reason this Evers idiot is governor is because of the idiots in Milwaukee and Madison. I’ll bet this is going over like a lead balloon with our guys.

  3. I can think of no more appropriate use of the National Guard than guarding the borders of our nation from illegal entry by foreign intruders.

    If they aren’t allowed to do that, to be used to protect our border integrity, then why have them?

  4. Tony Baloney, thought he could sneak those national guard members back home without anyone noticing. Given Kinzinger was just returning from the border, this has been in the works for a while.

    His tweet after getting called gives an equally lame reason for the withdrawal. I guess he’d rather try to keep the lunatics on the left happy since no republican is going to support him for re-election.

  5. Arrest all those open border democommie traitors. Give them a choice between going to prison or protecting the border. A couple hours in that heat and they’ll figure out a way to get their National Guard troops on the border.

  6. >This assclown will blow through our state resources in 6 months.

    You’re being way too generous, he’s going to bankrupt us faster than Diamond Jim Doyle ever could have dreamed of, I give it 3-4 months until we’re almost out of funds and he’s proposing new taxes on everything we consume here. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Tony decided to bring back the canceled light rail plans that we were fortunate enough to avoid when we brought Walker in.

    Sometimes this state makes me happy, sometimes, I question why we don’t just nuke Milwaukee and Dane counties and fix what’s wrong in one quick move.


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