WI Purges Over 200,000 Inactive Voters From The Rolls – IOTW Report

WI Purges Over 200,000 Inactive Voters From The Rolls

Wisconsin Spotlight

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC)  has finally gotten around to removing more than 200,000 inactive voters from the state’s rolls — nine months after November’s hotly contested presidential election and two years after election integrity advocates urged the commission to act.

On Wednesday, WEC announced it had deactivated more than 205,000 voter registrations through two separate voter list maintenance processes.

Meagan Wolfe, commission administrator, said the first group of 174,000 voters had not voted in the past four years and did not respond to WEC’s voter confirmation mailing. A second, separate group of more than 31,000 voters from the 2019 ERIC Movers List mailing were also deactivated on July 31, according to Wolfe. More

12 Comments on WI Purges Over 200,000 Inactive Voters From The Rolls

  1. No worries! Even without the dead, Democrats have a WHOLE lot of illegals now, more every day, and no one’s done anything about ME, so “vote” away, chumps, if it makes you feelz beddar, it won’t make any difference in the end…

  2. “Too little, too late”

    I disagree when it comes to the long game.

    Every pebble counts. Shut down enough of these avenues, and they lose.

    I do like to accomplish the big ones first, though.

    Dominion needs to be prosecuted and destroyed with a non-computer replacement in it’s place.

    That alone should turn the vote map closer to solid red.

    This cleansing will shrink the available “empty” voter spots on the rolls that are available to fake votes with. That’s what Dominion did, fill those empty spots – like the dead voters.

    That’s why we know they cheated. Too many people actually liked and voted for Trump for the cheat numbers to not be obvious.+

    I’ll celebrate any advancement on shutting down voter fraud. No matter how small.

  3. @CCNV: “…How many of them voted in the 2020 election?”

    that, we will probably never know now. I bet they REALLY removed them.
    covered their tracks right good, betcha
    Where can I get a job making up these scams?

  4. “Did they purge their votes, as well?
    THAT’S what really matters.”

    Reality: don’t know – and can’t know – which way those votes went. Not going to happen.

    Yet – Doesn’t it purge them from the next election?

    Even if we could punish the cheats of last election, we would still need to solve the problem for future voting, and here we are. Doing just that.

    Rejoice in whatever step we can get. They add up.

  5. Ok, we just had three posts in a row with some positive news. What have I been reading in the comments? Mostly “nothing will happen”, “let’s all drag our faces in the dirt because we are doomed”, etc.

    I refuse to take the defeatist attitude. Who know what will happen. Sure, I know we feel the same old same old will keep happening. But, how many people are now aware who weren’t before?

    And how many people are praying for God’s mercy on our nation and for his justice to be allowed to prevail?

    I just read about a situation in the 1800s when the crops in Minnesota were being devastated by grasshoppers. The state held a day of prayer in April for the coming season. A warm period in that month caused all the grasshopper eggs to hatch. People still prayed. Then four days later the weather changed and a hard freeze killed off all the larvae. Was that God? I believe so and so did they. God is bigger than any of our problems.

    If you have lost hope, then I’m sorry for you. But please, once in a while, don’t try to demoralize the rest of us like the left has been doing. Thank you.

  6. I expect Dane and Milwaukee counties will have Philadelphia like turn out in 2022. Meaning the cheat machines (both human and electronic) will match their databases of driver’s licenses and tax rolls against the actual ballots cast in those counties when the polls close. Those drivers who didn’t vote (which is expected in the off year) will have their ballots electronically casted for them and declared “indefinitely confined due to COVID.” Milwaukee is the worst for getting its results submitted long after the rest of the state has been tabulated.

    Dominion just made it easier for them to cheat like this on a massive scale.

    Audit alone isn’t good enough. Canvas Milwaukee to count how many people actually cast their own ballot.


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