WI Repub Primary Candidate’s “Never Trumper” Stance May Sink Her – IOTW Report

WI Repub Primary Candidate’s “Never Trumper” Stance May Sink Her

Leah Vukmir has been a driving force of the Conservative agenda in the Wisconsin State Senate. She’s attempting to turn her statewide notoriety into a nomination to challenge Democrat Tammy Baldwin for the Senate.

But the past seems to be catching up to Vukmir as video has emerged of the state senator’s disparaging remarks about then candidate Donald Trump and those who she calls “Trumpkins.” More

Challenging Vukmir for the right to drive Baldwin out of Washington this fall is a candidate Politico describes as a “Republican Dream Candidate,” Kevin Nicholson. Here

The primary is next Tuesday, August 14th.

7 Comments on WI Repub Primary Candidate’s “Never Trumper” Stance May Sink Her

  1. So politico thinks he has a “problem” in that 20 years ago he was a democrat, and now he’s a republican? Well, doesn’t that describe the whole #walkaway movement? The military and combat has changed a lot of democrats into republicans; it’s called patriotism.

  2. Nicholson could be a typical pinball candidate, in that you’re not sure which beliefs are genuine v talking points. However, that he recognized, during his tour in Iraq, obama as a BS artiste, coupled w Paul Ryan not supporting him, places him in the ++ column.

  3. I know Vukmir personally. You’ll not find a smarter, more tenacious, more rock solid conservative than her. She has worked extremely hard over the years fighting for core conservative issues, notably real school improvement and school choice. We’re in a sorry state if her honest comments in the heated 2016 campaign about Trump’s peculiar speaking style (but clear support for his presidential successes since then) cause some to condemn her completely.

  4. Vukmir, along with a VERY large percentage of Republicans, opposed Trump before he was the nominee. Never Trumpers are just that, and she’s not.

    This is a smear campaign. IMO it reflects worse on Nicholson than his status as a one-time gung-ho Democrat. That was in the past; this is now.

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