Wife’s Behavior Causing Debate – IOTW Report

Wife’s Behavior Causing Debate

Personally, I think the wife showed poor judgement. I don’t blame the husband for thinking her behavior was inappropriate. Something playful is acceptable. That wasn’t it.

21 Comments on Wife’s Behavior Causing Debate

  1. Not really the same thing, but…

    My last GF never rebuffed any approach made on her. Not once that I was aware of in the 6 years we were together. She couldn’t even tell a niece of hers to back off with sexual suggestions and physical moves made on her. Wow.

    Unacceptable. I knew we would never marry because of that.

    I can’t always be around to ward off all the sharks in the world, but she had to have standards she enforced when I was not around.

    As for this example, getting humped in public and liking it, would be a deal breaker for me, too. No reason to get angry, though. Just end it and move on. Not worth your time.

    Like your date flirting with another… You like him? Have at it! He can take you home, too. Thanks for showing me who you are.

    No class is no class. Don’t get angry. Just move on.

  2. What the hell do you expect at a craphole place like that?

    Not at all calling it exceptable behavior, but I see it being similar to taking your spouse, who’s a recovering addict, to a crack party

  3. Not long after my Russian wife and I got married, we attended a company party together. We both knew to keep it low key because, after all, it was a company party. We left early and on the way home, a pit stop was necessary as she had a drink or two. I stopped at an upscale country/western dance hall (if there is such a thing). We only intended to use their restroom facilities and leave. As we were leaving, there had been a lull in the music and the dance floor was empty. Suddenly, a really upbeat song started to play and my wife left my side and made her way to the center of the large dance floor. She began a solo dance routine that would have made Ginger Rogers proud. Everyone in the place gathered around the rails that surrounded the dance floor to watch. They began to cheer and applaud her performance and she really began to cut a rug. At one point, some guy in the crowd walked out to dance with her, but she very quickly held one hand up to him while wagging the finger of her other hand back and forth in his face and walked him off the floor without a word (because she couldn’t speak English yet) letting him know she didn’t need or want a partner. I was just as flabbergasted at her dancing skills as everyone else was. I had no idea, but later learned that she had taken dance and ballet while growing up, as most Russian girls do. When the song and her dance ended, the crowd cheered and applauded like crazy. She took a bow and grabbed my hand and led me out of there. They never saw us again.


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