Wikileaks Claim: Obama State Department given heads up by NYTs before damaging news in order to prepare – IOTW Report

Wikileaks Claim: Obama State Department given heads up by NYTs before damaging news in order to prepare


The heads-up email was intended to give State (and Clinton) time to come up with some spin for stories that may have caused problems. Or, in another possible scenario, the heads up could give the State Department time to create a diversion for the same day, thus overriding a damaging story with other news its friends in the mainstream media would happily cover instead.

The players in the WikiLeaks email are interesting. Scott Shane is the national security reporter for The Times. And the recipient of his email, Philip Crowley, was at the time the United States Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Clinton’s State Department.

As 2017 comes to an end, its clear the Clinton scandals won’t go away any time soon.


7 Comments on Wikileaks Claim: Obama State Department given heads up by NYTs before damaging news in order to prepare

  1. All the special treatment, all the “heads up” warnings from her media toadies, all the media-government narrative coordination, all the suppression of damaging news, and she still needed a secret server in the bathroom?

  2. Does anyone here know if once you are out of office, you get your classified status taken away? I sure hope anyone in the previous administration isn’t getting Top Secret info still.

  3. Wow, WikiLeaks! It’s like you didn’t expect the Ministry of Propaganda to propaganda.

    Unless… Oh, I see what you did there. Well played, nerd. Well played, indeed. But you’re still not cool, so go fsck yourself.

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