Wikileaks: Email exposes playbook for rigging polls through oversampling – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Email exposes playbook for rigging polls through oversampling

CFL: A 2008 email released Monday by Wikileaks reveals what many have suspected for a long time — that polls put out by the so-called “mainstream media” oversample certain demographics in order to produce the desired results.

“I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling,” the email reads.

An attachment to the email, for example, recommends oversampling Hispanics and Native Americans in Arizona to achieve the desired results:


The document also recommended a “microtargeting project with oversamples in specific regions or with Independents” in Florida.

Additionally, the document suggested oversampling “No Party registrants and ‘soft’ supporters of Democratic and Republican nominees” in Iowa.

Moreover, they suggested oversampling national polls in key districts and regions and with certain ethnic groups “as needed.”  MORE

4 Comments on Wikileaks: Email exposes playbook for rigging polls through oversampling

  1. I think they’re planning on over sampling real votes on Election Day .
    George Soros has gotten his uncertified voting machines into 16 states, many of them the so-called Swing States.

    They’ve already honed their skill at delivering fraudulent votes in Venezuela where they were usjed and it’s expected the machines were used to deliver a predetermined desired vote count. .

  2. We are drowning in a sea of mendacity.

    A powerful purgative is required to flush the lethal contaminants from the body politic.

    Like most treatments, the longer we wait, the greater the difficulty.

    izlamo delenda est …

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