WikiLeaks Exposes Clintons’ Tie to Pedophile Donor – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks Exposes Clintons’ Tie to Pedophile Donor

DML:  […] In the email chain, flight records show that former President Bill Clinton flew around the world multiple times on the billionaire’s private jet, which was dubbed the “Lolita Express” for its reported reputation of onboard orgies. Clinton took more than 26 flights with Epstein around the world, and flew 10 times abroad to party at the Epstein island home in question, during that period, according to FAA flight logs. The flight logs show that Clinton dismissed his U.S. Secret Service detail for five of those trips.


6 Comments on WikiLeaks Exposes Clintons’ Tie to Pedophile Donor

  1. I showed this to one of my idiot coworkers who retorted with “So, what’s that prove”.

    The same idiot who says “So?” when I ask why Bill Clinton’s mentor was William Fulbright, known segregationist. Or Margaret Sanger, racist founder of Planned Parenthood being Hillary’s Idol.

    The only difference this time was the idiot did not accuse me of spending too much time listening to Rush or watching “Faux” news.

  2. bill could rape a baby on national tv while hillary held her down and the msm would blame trump and her supporters would cheer her on.

    sick of the dc grifters yet?

  3. bill could rape a baby on national tv while hillary held the baby down and the msm would blame trump while the hillary supporters cheer her on.

    is there nothing she or her rapist husband could do to make their supporters abandon them?

  4. One can only hope the staunch Clintonites who have their heads buried so deep in the sandpits will suffocate themselves to death, and not vote. Wait for it, yes they will, posthumously. Cankles is the Momma Teresa of Hell. Slick Willie is the in-charge of the badboys dorm, with no access to females. You can guess the endgame on that one.

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