WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange’s Last Interview Before His Arrest – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange’s Last Interview Before His Arrest


World Ethical Data Forum:
On 20th September 2018, World Ethical Data Forum broadcast an interview with Julian Assange, the founder and former Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks.

This interview was the first time Julian Assange had been heard from after his communication channels were cut off by the Ecuadorian embassy in March, 2018.

An hour long, this last interview is of interest historically, as well as in its own right, covering subjects such as the conditions of his detainment, his reasons for beginning WikiLeaks and his treatment at the hands of the press, the consequences for culture should WikiLeaks disappear, the meaning and importance of cryptography, the recent advances in AI hacking, cyber-warfare and surveillance technologies, and very much more.

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