Wikileaks: Huma Abedin Sought Advice from Senior Campaign Staff Before Hillary Dinner with Soros – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Huma Abedin Sought Advice from Senior Campaign Staff Before Hillary Dinner with Soros

Breitbart: Hours before Hillary Clinton dined with George Soros, members of Clinton’s inner circle debated how to handle an anticipated request from the notorious billionaire. Longtime Hillary handler Huma Abedin forwarded an invitation for Hillary to attend a December 2014 fundraiser in Soros’ New York home for the Soros-backed group America Votes to Robby Mook and John Podesta.



The email exchange from October 2014 is included in the Wikileaks release (Podesta Email 15201) and shows the campaign preparing for the dinner between Hillary and Soros. The thread highlights the lengths the campaign was willing to go “to make Soros happy.”  MORE