Wikileaks Revelation: Hillary Camp’s Plan To Smear Trump With Fake Craigslist Ads – IOTW Report

Wikileaks Revelation: Hillary Camp’s Plan To Smear Trump With Fake Craigslist Ads


16 Comments on Wikileaks Revelation: Hillary Camp’s Plan To Smear Trump With Fake Craigslist Ads

  1. DNC sure is classy.

    Craigslist advertising requires an account. A record is kept of every item you advertise and post on the site. It would be very cool, I think, if that CL account could be accessed
    to see what else its been used for.
    Its probably being done already.

  2. I’ll leave the rodent identification Lowell. Either why, my Toy Rat Terrier would love to have those rodents come over for a play day.

    It looks to me as if they are trying to figure out how to get the cheese that was left out on the kitchen counter. The reliable “I’ll stand on your back” wasn’t working.

  3. Nnnnope thems be rats, had some as pets (technically my kids). Rats are kind, smart curious and very social animals, clean, friendly.

    Nicer than many people.

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