WikiLeaks: Top Dems Plotted Dirty Tricks at 2008 GOP Rallies – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks: Top Dems Plotted Dirty Tricks at 2008 GOP Rallies

Agitation tactics pre-date Trump, Podesta planned to taunt McCain with Bush impersonators.

LifeZette: Just in case you thought dirty tricks at Donald Trump’s rallies were a new tactic, emails from WikiLeaks dumped Friday show the Democrats plotted to harass John McCain in 2008.

Paul Begala and other top Democratic consultants plotted to have McCain, then leading the field in the GOP primary, followed around by a man in a George W. Bush mask.

Democrats not only sought to tie McCain to the then-unpopular president, but also no doubt, hoped to agitate McCain who was known to despise Bush.

LifeZette has previously reported that McCain’s surprise win in the South Carolina GOP presidential primary in 2008 caused panic among Democratic consultants, who feared he was the strongest Republican candidate to face Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in the fall of 2008.

The consultants considered dumping disingenuous phone calls into Republican households in other states to hurt his chances and perhaps get a weaker Republican nominated.

3 Comments on WikiLeaks: Top Dems Plotted Dirty Tricks at 2008 GOP Rallies

  1. You know what would be really funny? If Erick Erickson made a wikileaks appearance in somebody’s email. I have to think he was smart enougb not to leave a trail, but it seems that many arrogant ignoramuses have not been that smart, so I’ll just keep waiting.

  2. Now, why would the DemoncRATs try that on John McCain he is practically one of them. He likes big banks, Savings and Loans, illegal aliens, multiple houses, and
    Barracks Obama! He does not like the tea party, conservative patriots or holding the DemoncRATs accountable for anything!

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