‘Wild Goose Chases’: Strzok Says Steele Dossier Was ‘A Problem’ For The Trump-Russia Probe – IOTW Report

‘Wild Goose Chases’: Strzok Says Steele Dossier Was ‘A Problem’ For The Trump-Russia Probe

Daily Caller: Former FBI official Peter Strzok said in an interview published Friday that the Steele dossier was a “problem” for the Trump-Russia probe because it sent investigators off “on a series of wild goose chases.”

“The report was very typical of information that the FBI often receives. It comes from several sources, including some suspect sources. Some of it is bullshit, and some of it is rumor, and some of it is disinformation,” Strzok told The Atlantic.

“From our perspective,” Strzok said of the dossier, “some of it was a distraction.”

Strzok’s comments mark one of the strongest public critiques to date from an FBI official regarding the dossier, which was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

The FBI relied heavily on information from Steele to obtain warrants to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Steele, who was investigating the Trump campaign on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign, alleged that Trump associates conspired with Russians to influence the 2016 election. more

12 Comments on ‘Wild Goose Chases’: Strzok Says Steele Dossier Was ‘A Problem’ For The Trump-Russia Probe

  1. Former FBI agent and unmasked philanderer, Peter Strzok, has penned his version of Operation Crossfire Hurricane. He’s a patriot. He’s a victim. He’s an honest man who didn’t let his personal feelings about Donald Trump influence his decisions to persecute Trump’s advisors in order to elect a person he had refused to properly investigate. Hope this seditious bastard chokes on his book in a Federal Penitentiary.

  2. How nice.
    The guy who did it tries to stand back from it.
    Sort of , like- arsonists often return, after fleeing, to join with the onlookers, and talk about what is going on.
    ‘wild goose chase’ Oh, that’s what is was? Gee, well, let’s never do that again, OK?
    He should be incarcerated, awaiting trial.

  3. Yes, the Steele dossier colostomy bag was a problem because all lies are problems to the liars. The only actual problem (from Strzok’s and gang’s perspective) that they didn’t make for themselves was one Donald J. Trump.

  4. “The report was very typical of information that the FBI often receives. It comes from several sources, including some suspect sources. Some of it is bullshit, and some of it is rumor, and some of it is disinformation,” Strzok told The Atlantic.

    SO – in other words – the report was pure unadulterated bullshit – and the FBI knew it!

  5. The report was very typical of information that the FBI often receives. It comes from several sources, including some suspect sources. Some of it is bullshit, and some of it is rumor, and some of it is disinformation

  6. Am I reading that correctly? He’s saying that the FBI usually gets bullshit, rumors and disinformation from suspect sources all of the time and uses that as the basis for pursuing FISA warrants against their political opponents?

    Sounds like a confession to me.

    He’s going to get pink eye if he keeps trying to polish the turd of his reputation.

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