Wild Horses Stumble Upon an Alligator – IOTW Report

Wild Horses Stumble Upon an Alligator

My love for animals (yes, even an alligator just getting some rays) has been trumped by the woman behind the camera. She has compelled me to post this video. Normally I wouldn’t, because there is no value in an animal versus animal video. This is the state of nature, happening as I type this.

What’s “triggered” me is subtle. To many this will not be a big deal.  For me, this is an Obama voter. This is a Hillary voter. This is “feelings over intellect” personified.

Best youtube comment –  “I want to slap the Disney out of the dumbass screaming “just leave it alone.”

To be fair, the woman isn’t “screaming.” She’s whining, which is worse.

Screaming I would tolerate, because maybe she’d be trying to spook the horse away from gator. But the whining? It sounds like some vapid dope who thinks we ought to be saving the polar bears from the “man-made” global warming because she saw an anthropomorphic commercial where the bears are all sad, walking around in Manhattan, and she just wants to give em a hug.

Nature is brutal, honey. Don’t go on a nature walk if you’re expecting to see the animals having a hoedown.

25 Comments on Wild Horses Stumble Upon an Alligator

  1. There’s a juvenile horse there. The larger horse was warding off the predator. It’s nature for goodness sakes.

    If the gator was in the water while the little horse was drinking, the horse would have been a meal.

    Disney has destroyed people’s view of nature. The animals don’t think and reason like people. They act on instinct.

    Good day for the horse. The cycle will come back around in favor of the gator.

  2. As someone who deals with nature for a living, I couldn’t agree more, Fur.

    That horse recognized a threat and acted on it. As simple as that.

    People have effed up ideas of “what should be happening”. Including, but not limited to, anthropomorphizing critters.

    I actually told a new customer last month she really needs to be living on the 4th floor or higher in the city somewhere. But said it in a friendly way. She’s new to a country community I’ve been taking care of for a while and she’s freaking out over Brown Recluse spiders and wild animals roaming around – in the country. Wanted all animals caught and taken – somewhere. And to never see a spider or snake again. Talk about job security.

    Me: Didn’t you say you moved here to get closer to nature?

  3. City dwellers/snowflakes. Just leave him alone??? How about you go back to your urban coffee slurping intellectual superior lifestyle? Now you can tell like minded idiots how cruel nature is and blame it on the president.

  4. May I offer a different reading…
    I think the speaker in question was not saying “just leave it alone” to mean the Horse was bullying the Gator. I believe it was said in a more maternal way. “Just leave it alone” aka “Don’t play with fire”.

    Cool video, Mississippi Stallion did it right.

  5. The last two years we’ve had a couple forest fires that destroyed a lot of timber. Combined with the California drought, end result is a lot of bears and a whole shit load of Mountain Lions moving down into heavily populated areas. We have a county FB watch page and the comments by some of these TREE HUGGERS boarders insanity. First off it’s important to know that you have not been able to hunt Mountain Lions in California for about 20 years. Those cats are no longer afraid of humans. In fact small humans are on the food chain. Some lady posted last night that she has three of them running around her 5 acres and they occasionally sleep on her deck. She has 2 small children and her solution to the problem was to by each kid a whistle. Because, as she says “It’s not really the cats fault that they’ve been displaced.”

  6. For me, the payoff is the chick AFTER the “just leave him alone” chick.

    She asks a friend about the alligator, “do you think he’s okay?”
    Why don’t you go over there and find out, sweetie?!?

  7. lol, Czar. Exactly. Had a dumb, misandrist neighbor say a raccoon I had growled and charged at the trap because I was a man. I was letting the kids that were out playing check it out when I got home.

    Offered her to prove herself right while we all got out of sight.

    Weird, she didn’t trust her own claim and declined the offer. I guess we’ll never know.

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