The left scoffs at the very mention of building a wall to keep unwanted arrivals out. They’ll tell you it will never work, that they’ll still get in anyway. That’s not the point. The critical question is whether a physical barrier can stop enough unwanted people from coming here to justify putting it up in the first place. The only way to answer that is to do a cost/ benefit analysis.
The Center for Immigration Studies did the calculations and concluded that the wall pays for itself if it prevents a mere “9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.“
Prepare for the left to shift their anti-wall narrative to how cruel and emotionally painful it is for a wall to go up on our Southern border. Why just image how traumatizing it will be to our fellow North Americans to be told they’re not welcome to just help themselves to our country anytime they want.
add to this analysis that mexico will pay and you have a win win
Democrats say we can’t cut taxes because there won’t be any revenue to pay for everything. That’s the crux of it all. Right now they believe legal and illegal immigrants add a benefit to the underlying economy with higher revenue through taxes since everyone consumes.
Precisely why taxes need to be cut and the wall built ASAP.
The democrats will never look at the fat to cut first, instead they look at ways of obtaining additional income on the backs of taxpayers to keep the fat in place. The ONLY way to get them to so much as look at cutting fat is to forcibly take away the revenue. Build the wall and cut the taxes. Nothing will get done until then.
If we’re looking solely at cost:benefit then how about additional uses for the wall, such as handball courts or shooting ranges? Charge modest use fees and bring in extra bucks.
Let’s throw away the idea of Mexico paying for the wall and the complexities of cost of illegal immigration on our social services, medical care, schooling for a second.
If 63,000,000 Americans voted for Trump and the cost of the wall is $15,000,000,000, it would cost each of those voters $238.
Where do I send the check?
If it costs $15 billion and saves the American culture and way of life, build two of them.
If the government stopped funding PP and NPR just to name a few of the money wasted, the wall could climb as high as the sky.
Or land minds would work too.
If the next Obama type (I hate America) lefty president opens up the doors in the wall what good does it do.
We need to keep the left out of the White House at all costs.
Great idea! Build them 100′ apart and it could solve the problem of where to put radioactive waste.
If the left is against it you know it’s because it will be effective in keeping out illegals and other parasites.
Cheap at twice the price.
@uncle al.
You would be shocked at how little nuclear waste exists.
I toured Virginia’s North Anna nuclear power plant a few years back. It’s been online since 1978 providing power to millions. The nuke waste fit on an acre. I was dumbfounded.
@PHenry – Oh, there’s plenty at Hanford and Oak Ridge and Rocky Flats and, and, and… Power plants are well managed. Research and materials extraction and bomb manufacturing have not been.
@uncle al. I’ll concede your point. But media reports make one think that we are awash with radioactive waste. I think it’s overblown.
Sorry. Not looking to thread Jack.
Build that wall. Sell bricks with people’s dedications on them.
A bit skeptical of the wall myself. If we had the will (shoot on sight) to keep the invaders out, the wall would be helpful but not necessary. Without the will to keep invaders out, we may as well add handicap ramps to the wall so people in wheelchairs can get over too.
I’m with you. A wall of lead would work.
Damn it, we don’t need a physical wall.
Cut incentives and the invaders will evaporate like the morning dew.
Whether we need one or not isn’t the issue. We want one. China has one. We want one.
The leftist communist democrats weighing in with an opinion on the cost of anything is a joke. These are the morons that can’t add that put us $20T in debt. Try explaining to these mental patients that illegal aliens cost us billions of $$$ and it goes in one ear and out the other. Since when do these communist collectivists ever care in the least about the cost of one of their pet save-the-world stupid SJW ideas? They have been discredited on fiscal and finance issues and should just shut their mouths as they crawl back into their parents’ basement or barn.
Cameras will make up the majority of the wall. All you need is a motion sensing infrared camera, LEDs, a cell based internet connection, post and a bag of concrete.
Exactly, the left only cares about overspending when it comes to defending sovereignty and tradition. Parts of the wall will be secured technologically. Please put our military down there. They would do phenominal on our borders. They’d save us money, not be subjected to unions (UCMJ), and most importantly, they’d be the best capable and would serve honorably. I know. I was in the military as a boarding officer with the US Coast Guard. It can be done, we just need congress to act.
Build the dang wall, already!! We voted for it. That’s what we want. And it will not only work to keep illegal Mexicans and their drugs out, it will also keep Hamas, ISIS, and those other creeps out. It’s a no-brainer. The Left is evil if they think that there is an acceptable number of Americans who can be murdered, raped, habituated to opiates, tortured in a night club or blown up in a public square.
@Abigail – 63,000,000 thumbs up! And those are all legal voters.
The media noise tries to make us feel outnumbered and marginalized. Don’t fall for it.
The wall needs to exist because of principle.
It is the Bad Cop, the Statue of Liberty being the Good Cop
We need to build it because it changes the patterns of behavior of our adversaries, hopefully into areas we anticipated.
We need it to stop the smuggling deaths, the trash, the Coyotes who leave the weak to die.
We also need viewing towers where a man can see the other side and be glad of his circumstance
Build the wall, but leave occasional small, low spots with shooting benches 200 yards away and charge American citizens fees for target practice. That should cover any maintenance costs.
The only critics against building the wall I would listen to are the ones that don’t live behind a security wall themselves. iow, none of them.
How are the Democrats going to secure more voters if the wall is built?
This is what this has always been about.
Tax the spray paint to pay for it.
@Abigail, Spot on as usual. That’s what we voted for!