Will Obama Be Calling Peggy Hubbard To Commend Her On Her Courage? – IOTW Report

Will Obama Be Calling Peggy Hubbard To Commend Her On Her Courage?

Bad Language Alert – But It’s Warranted

Video —>Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 1.55.12 PM

26 Comments on Will Obama Be Calling Peggy Hubbard To Commend Her On Her Courage?

  1. Glory Hallelujah!
    Put yer hand on the radio and say Amen sister!
    Now next week I want to hear her sermon on the Politically Correct, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Socialist Liberal enablers out there fanning the flames of racial division!

  2. WH Sec. “Mrs. Hubbard”?

    Peggy. Yes, who is calling?

    WH. Mrs. Hubbard, this is the White House calling, The President wishes to speak with you.

    Peggy. The Who? The President? Hell no I got nottin’ to say to that macdaddy, he’s the one who caused all this shit.


  3. Understand my friend her voting habits have nothing to do with the color of her skin. Go to her FB page and you’ll see she has more white freinds than black. She’s a Federal employee that was probably really good at her job. She’s escaped the race shit. That’s a victory.

  4. I’ve met a couple ex Federal Employess that switched voting habits. Both white guys that left the IRS for their own practice and figured out paying corporate taxes with a gun to your head ain’t no fun.

  5. Hey Bad Brad, I hope your comment about race was directed towards the original commenter l responded to, because I didn’t imply it was a factor. I’m sure we’re in agreement that, the lady is fantastic and her message transcends race.

  6. She is angry and has a right to be. I also feel for her, not a pity kind of thing, but can only imagine the pain she has to endure from her son’s incarceration and understanding that her own people are killing her own people and being one of the few blacks in America with the courage to speak this truth. And the little baby girl…God, so awful. I had to hold back tears.

    I hope people will have a good hard listen to what she says, because it’s all circling the drain…really damn fast.

  7. 99th, there’s a bunch of people I want to meet on the 2016 IOTW victory cruise to Cabo. You would be number one on that list because we will spend several days discussing shit sitting at the bar. Drinking coffee of course. I’m turning in, good night brother.

  8. Look the truth of the matter is we have some wonderful, brilliant people out there like Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Mia Love and so many others. We also have unknown people like Peggy Hubbard , working, trying ,busting their asses; just doing the best they can against all odds. They media won’t give respect to Peggy, but they will kiss the asses of scumbags like Sharpton, Jackson, Cornell West (on Reilley WTF?) The Media, the reporters, the newsmakers, are the biggest scumbags in this country. They have to be , not destroyed, but corrected. The schools of Journalism have to be revamped. They are all fucking socialists. What can we do about it? Can anyone tell the Columbia University School of Journalism that America is a good country, a better country than , for instance, Cuba, or North Korea, or Russia, or Iran? .

  9. And let me add. The only time the media gives a flying fuck about blacks is when one of them gets shot by a white cop And he is always a kid who was getting his life around and was about to enroll in college. Just like Treyvon Martin and Michael Moore, or Brown, or whatever the fuck his name is. I’m sick of it all

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