Will Sarah Palin run against Lisa Murkowski? – IOTW Report

Will Sarah Palin run against Lisa Murkowski?


GWP: Sarah Palin Fires Warning Shot: Strongly Hints at Senate Run Against Lisa Murkowski

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin strongly hinted at a challenge to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) when Murkowski is next up for reelection in 2022. Murkowski, a three term incumbent, is undecided on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but gave several indications Friday that she will vote no.

Palin wrote on Twitter Friday afternoon,”Hey @LisaMurkowski – I can see 2022 from my house…”
Palin and Murkowski are longtime political foes. Palin defeated her father Gov. Frank Murkowski in 2006 in the GOP primary, thwarting his reelection bid. Palin successfully endorsed GOP challenger Joe Miller who defeated incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the 2010 primary. Murkowski then controversially ran as a write-in candidate, winning reelection over Miller in the general election.

h/t an ol exJARHEAD.


SNIP: All this buttered popcorn is gonna give me the cholesterol.

9 Comments on Will Sarah Palin run against Lisa Murkowski?

  1. Tomorrow will be a great day for the seated senators. Chamber full of TV cameras and they get to bloviate, pontificate and speachify in the room, in the halls, on the steps…

    I’ll make it a priority to not be subjected to a split second of the verbal clown fight.

    The fecks will be few and the spew will be epic. No thanks.


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