Headlines Ask- Will Sidney Powell Turn on Trump? – IOTW Report

Headlines Ask- Will Sidney Powell Turn on Trump?

What a crap headline. It assumes Trump’s guilt, or the presence of guilt.

Sidney Powell pleads GUILTY in Georgia election interference case: Trump’s ‘Kraken’ lawyer reaches plea deal and must testify in future trials. So, will she flip on her old boss?


Sidney Powell, one of Donald Trump‘s former lawyers, has suddenly pleaded guilty to conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The so-called ‘Kraken’ lawyer, 68, admitted six criminal counts and avoided jail as she was sentenced to six years probation during a surprise appearance at the Fulton County court in Georgia on Thursday. 

In a potentially devastating blow to Trump she agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants – including the former president – at future trials. 

The shock move sparked speculation that she had ‘flipped’ and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors, turning on her old boss.

That was a reference to the mythical, octopus-like creature depicted in the Hollywood blockbuster Clash of the Titans. In the movie, the monster was slain.

Powell pleaded guilty to six charges of ‘conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of electoral duties’.

Her acceptance of a plea deal is a remarkable U-turn for a lawyer who had strenuously pushed conspiracy theories about the election being stolen. 

Powell earned her ‘Kraken’ nickname in 2020, when she described the case she was mounting against Joe Biden‘s election victory as the ‘Kraken’. 

In addition to probation Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ordered her to pay a $6,000 fine.

She was also ordered to write a letter of apology to the state of Georgia and its residents.


22 Comments on Headlines Ask- Will Sidney Powell Turn on Trump?

  1. I would think that a plea deal would not be offered unless she had the goods on DJT. Sure, the terms are couched in vagaries like,”testify truthfully against her co-defendants”, but the only fish worth pursuing is Trump so you can bet discussions were had and evidence proferred in advance of the plea deal.

    The only person that has fallen farther than Powell is Mike Lyndell, that poor guy is facing bankruptcy.

  2. “She was also ordered to write a letter of apology to the state of Georgia and its residents.”
    Plus a $6000 fine. BFD

    The press will make it sound like she was trying to cheat/overthrow a legit election.
    In fact she was trying to find fraud.
    She & her people may have been clumsy going about that but still.

    I doubt she has anything to testify about Trump, other than what has already been produced.

    They may have wanted her out of the picture for other reasons?

  3. LOL! Another human to get caught up in Trumps snare. We all thought she had the goods, and as it turns out we were all BS’ed. Matters snot that the election was stolen, look how it’s playing out for those involved with Trump.

  4. Personally, I don’t think Powell offered evidence of wrongdoing because I don’t think Trump COMMITTED wrongdoing, but it is never a good thing when your co-defendants plead guilty in exchange for, well, anything.

    She could offer circumstantial evidence of motive, something like ,”Yeah, we had many private conversations where he admitted to me that he knew the election was not stolen and wanted more “Trump” ballots found”.

    The DA is not going to offer a plea deal to keep her out of prison unless she can offer some Quid Pro Quo in return.

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