Will Smith Did a Bad, Bad Thing – IOTW Report

Will Smith Did a Bad, Bad Thing

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Substack

When Will Smith stormed onto the Oscar stage to strike Chris Rock for making a joke about his wife’s short hair, he did a lot more damage than just to Rock’s face. With a single petulant blow, he advocated violence, diminished women, insulted the entertainment industry, and perpetuated stereotypes about the Black community. More

30 Comments on Will Smith Did a Bad, Bad Thing

  1. Jeanine Pirro referencing the hood is factual not racist. If Brad Pitt had done the same thing the proper reference would probably been “low brow,redneck shit or entitled rich guy shit. Also, Brad Pitt would have been branded a racist. I wish all decent blacks would acknowledge and decry the high crime and violence from inner city blacks.

  2. I just got a news alert that the Academy asked Will Smith to leave the theatre after The Slap-and he refused.

    To the pinnacle of your career to the bottom in 2 minutes. So, will Jada divorce him next? 🤷‍♀️

  3. Thanks for posting an article from a racist Muzzie POS anti white racist BLM lover. I will remind you to get your head outta your ass

    This is the only voice I’ve found that pointed out the damage done to all blacks from this incident. If Candance Owen had commented on it or Thomas Sowell or Bill Cosby for that matter, I’d have posted them as well. The point doesn’t change with the writer; Will Smith’s actions play into bad overall impression people already have, invites racist opinions and many be imitated to further damage the reputation of all blacks in American. So, yeah you’re welcome, feel free to actually engage with any of the points made by Karem about the slapping. – Dr. Tar

  4. It seems to me that what Will Smith did is just an extension of the snowflake mentality. Words are attacks and should be answered in kind. Sorry, that was an unintentional Biden reference and I will not be walking it back.

  5. KAJ: conservatives do not want to control the 1 percent community. They just want their kids left alone from their indoctrination. Not sure why I even bothered to read his crap

  6. Smith’s act shows quite a few things. For one, he’s an asshole and a bully. For another, his wife is a piece of shit who has driven him insane.
    She’s a malignant narcissist and gets her kicks torturing the idiot.

  7. No Mamma Obama,

    That is the exact reason he takes her shit.
    It has been rumoured for years that they both are free to “step out”
    He has to be Smoking The Hog & isn’t ready to Come out of the Closet Yet. (career Killer for his type of movies)

  8. If you are familiar with the sordid tale of Islam’s founder, Muhammad, you would be laughing your head off at this substack. Assuming that he existed, Muhammad was a perfect picture of FILTH and MALICE, and you can prove this from Islam’s *own* trusted sources. It’s incredible how disgusting and violent Muhammad actually was.

  9. Thanks for posting the clip AA. Candance does an accurate critique of the Smith’s “open marriage” and the unbalanced state it and the permissive culture has driven him.

    I agree with Candance and hope those thinking the Smith’s have it made will rethink that conclusion seeing the hell they’ve brought into their lives.

    Different from Kareem’s observations though.


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