Will Ted Cruz Sue The National Enquirer? – IOTW Report

Will Ted Cruz Sue The National Enquirer?

Will the women named in the tabloid sue the National Enquirer? Will Ted Cruz?

The Enquirer tried to play it coy by blurring the faces of Cruz’s alleged mistresses. But people who know better can figure out who 3 of the 5 are.

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Katrina Pierson is an ex-Cruz staffer who is now national spokesperson for Trump.

Sarah Isgur Flores is an ex-Carla Fiorina staffer.

Amanda Carpenter is a speech writer, CNN employee and ex-Cruz staffer who started the movement of blacklisting Trump supporters, and idea that was endorsed by RedState.

The Enquirer story is awfully specific, and in light of the multi-million dollar judgement just awarded Hulk Hogan, one that threatens to take down the Gawker media empire, this is pretty ballsy of the Inquirer who seems fearless in their claim.

The Enquirer was responsible for breaking the Rielle Hunter/John Edwards story which sank the political aspirations of the philandering vice-presidential nominee, John Edwards, in 2004.

iOTWreport resisted posting this story for a better part of a week. But Gateway Pundit, The Examiner, Biz Pac Review, Yahoo News, American Thinker, Memeorandum, Free Republic and Bad Blue are all reporting it, but much more importantly, lots of the left blogs are running with it. (The Frisky, Raw Story, Crooks and Liars, Democratic Underground,)

It doesn’t make me feel that much less dirty to get in this particular mosh pit, but I think we should discuss it.



110 Comments on Will Ted Cruz Sue The National Enquirer?

  1. I think “the Left media” running with this is LESS important than the effect of the Right…

    …in the sense that (SEE LINKED ARTICLE BELOW), since a big part of Cruz’s persona is the “conservative Christian” (however you wish to describe it), it is yet again the hypocrisy factor (not keeping up to our own standards) that is the killer factor here.


  2. Turns out boogers aren’t the only thing Ted’s been eating.

    You can pretty much expect a bimbo eruption once a candidate starts using lines like “we will resurrect the body of Christ” in his best tent revival voice at a political rally. The straighter they paint themselves the crooked-er they are.

    Next thing you know we’ll have the big Glenn Beckish booger bubbles and tears and “I have sinned”.


    Creepy, creepy dude, this Cruz character.

  3. Yikes! The National Inquirer has a reputation for serious work when it comes to this sort of political scandal. I know it was way ahead of the pack on the Edwards/Hunter scandal, and it told the truth about Clinton’s many mistresses. If it’s true, Cruz is toast, and so is the Republican Party’s chances for defeating the Clintons. Trump can’t win in a national election without the support of the party.

  4. It’s ironic that Repubican candidates can be taken down by a sex scandal, but these scandals seem to not affect (and may help) Democrat careers. Be that as it may, and if there is truth to these claims, what Cruz should, but will not do is admit extramarital affairs, say he’s sorry, and move on. Then this scandal will result in minimal, if any damage.

    An analogy is the Major League Baseball performance enhancing drug scandal – also involving activity which was not necessarily criminal or even against MLB’s rules at the time. Baseball fans remember Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire, Raphael Palmero and Barry Bonds – all MLB stars who very publically denied any PED use. But people forget that Andy Pettite was also named in the Mitchell Report, because when asked about PED use essentially said “yes, and I realize it was a mistake. Sorry.” This was effectively the end of this particular story.

    I don’t want to turn this into a Cruz vs. Trump debate. If the stories are true, and the National Enquirer actually has a pretty remarkable record for uncovering these things first, and if this type of conduct is important to you as a voter, then act accordingly. But if Cruz wants to end this as a major story, then come clean and apologize and the MSM will move on.

  5. If people can’t see the immorality of cheating on a spouse, perhaps they might want to consider the absolute messiness of doing so.

    Take it from a Family Court employee, the fallout from an extramarital affair can’t possibly be worth the illicit thrill. Lying takes a toll. Then when the aggrieved spouse walks out, you can bet there will be jealousy and rivalry between the old and new partners. And if Ted is fooling around with this many women, the chances are increased that one will conceive. Paternity suit alert! And the ones who always suffer the most are the children……

  6. Thanks for the high resolution photo. I read the whole thing and don’t have to buy the mag. Never heard the distraught Heidi story. Makes me wonder why his kid wouldn’t hug him….maybe he isn’t the family man he would like us to believe.

  7. Yes, the NI may get one correct, once in awhile. But it gets so many more WRONG at the same time. With all the lawsuits, I’m surprised they’re still in business.
    And yes, I remember the Herman Cain Bimbo Eruption. Cain’s problem was that he tried to stomp out the fires of lies instead of challenging them. And then when he retired from the race, ALL the Bimbos . . . just. . . faded. . . . away. . . .
    Another Libtard attempt to bring down a Crusading Conservative. Somehow, I don’t believe this of Ted. Being the superior debater that he is, it will be interesting to see how he puts this down. Hopefully with derision, laughter, and enough FACTS to shut down the NI for a goooood loooong time.

    Is this becoming the “new normal” for conservative politicians running for high office? To be overwhelmingly bombarded and smeared by a birdcage liner? Too bad the NI didn’t do this against O’Bozo in 2008 & 2012. Ditto for Kankles during all of her many runs for various offices. Libtard bias much?. . . . . oh. . . . wait. . . .

  8. BTW can anyone remember a certain wife and a certain mistress creating very big, very ugly screaming match on the slopes of Ajax Mountain in Aspen some quarter-century ago?

    The combatants were Ivana Trump (Wife #1) and Marla Maples (Wife #2).

  9. Ted Cruz sue who The Enquirer? LOL! I don’t think so. The problem with some here is that their golden boy Cruz was a Bible thumping preacher/politician whom they worshiped. Yeah, when you got heroes in your life and they fail you it can be depressing and they lash out at the whistle blowers. I see it here in a couple of posts already.

    Don’t put any one up on a pedestal because you will see them fall. My vote is still for Trrump – yes even with all of his faults.

  10. Ahh, the hero and pedestal speech.

    Always a good one when it comes to why a bad candidate, one who has already been proven a grade A hypocrite, is better than one against whom lies are hurled in order to impugn him in some way to suggest he is no better.

    First a lie is still a lie and that doesn’t change a candidate. Second, if the lie were even possibly true, does that somehow make Trump a better candidate? How exactly does that help or improve his failures as a person and his problems with telling the truth or sticking to what he promises?

    So here we are being preached at by those who claim to know a preacher when they see one and preaching that we should repent and follower the sinner because the preacher is human and bad.

    In the end, there’s a whole lota preaching goin’ on by them there Trump followers.

  11. LocoBlancoSaltine
    March 25, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    It is really gonna suck on January 20th 2017 when they swear Hillary in.

    It will be Teddy Swaggert Cruz’s fault. A man who can’t keep his zipper up and stay true to his wife is not fit to be President.

  12. It seems Trump is not only afraid of Megyn Kelly.
    Cruz just gained on Trump with Louisiana delegates.

    “This is what happens when you are out-thought, out-organized, and out-hustled. But it isn’t just Louisiana:

    A lot of Trump supporters are new,” Phoebe Hobbs, a Trump supporter at a GOP Convention in Cobb County, Ga. told the WSJ, noting they were unaware they needed be at Georgia precinct meetings one month ago.”

    I can tell by this post many that frequent this site are deathly afraid of Cruz too.

  13. Woody said: “In the end, there’s a whole lota preaching goin’ on by them there Trump followers.”

    We’re not holding the bible up in one hand while gazing up at the sky claiming that Trump is this and that and trying to make the guy out to be a monster. In fact, you can always bet that the one doing the “Christian” preaching has a whole lot of skeletons in their closet. I hear them rattling now. Teddy Swaggert Cruz got his come uppins. Go Trump!

  14. Ted and Heidi Cruz are the new Bill and Hillary. Both are career finance/politics. Have been for a long, long time. They boast of being a “Bush marriage”, having met in their political activities for Bush. Both of them are well acquainted with Wall Street. They’re insiders of the most solid rank. It makes me laugh that his supporters are duped into believing he’s some kind of constitutional warrior as though he was one of the Federalists. lol! And so far as his Christian cred, he’s one of the lying-ist liars I’ve ever heard.

    (He even lifted the lines from Sorkin’s American President to rebuke Trump. Everyone knows those lines. He should have stuck to Princess Bride!)

  15. @Loco: “I can tell by this post many that frequent this site are deathly afraid of Cruz too.”

    Not me, I see people here who got their butt hurt and are crushed that their hero is not who they thought he was. I always thought there was something sneaky about Teddy Swaggert Cruz and now I know why. I’m enjoying the gossip, it was getting kind of bland there for a while. Go Trump!

  16. Five “Other Women” in your husband’s life can cause clinical depression in nearly any wife… except maybe a heartless beech like Hillary. Right Heidi?

    “Stand By Your Man” song is about to be sung by Heidi “That’s why I didn’t resign from Gold-In-Sacks” Cruz. 3.. 2.. 1..

    Are Cruz and Clinton marital parallels emerging? 😉

  17. I don’t believe this one. I don’t think Cruz is so stupid as to think he could get away with something like this and still run for president. Also, since so many people hate the guy, why did they wait so long to come out with it. If true, a simple threat to release it would have been enough to make him not run. Once again, we have a trashy primary season led by Trump and now assisted by the establishment. I am coming more and more to believe Hillary will be elected. Once again the Republican Party proves to be the party of stupid.

  18. Got ANY ACTUAL PROOF Goldenfoxx?

    I’ve actually heard about some VERY RACIST shit that they have ON TAPE of Donald J. Trump.
    It will completely destroy Trump.
    Gone. Done. Kaput. Adios.
    It is in storage until needed, keeping that powder keg dry.
    Talk about butt hurt.

    Yes, just like you I have no proof whatsoever.

  19. “Deathly afraid of Cruz”????? Please. The liar got his just deserts. What’s really amazing to me is the denial. 1, even 2 affairs might be untrue, MIGHT. But 5? And expensive ladies of the night to round out the line up???? After Gawker? I don’t think so.

    I’m anxiously awaiting the Cruz response. It’s going to be a hum-dinger no matter which way he goes.

    The Beck meltdown will be permanently saved to be savored over and over.

    And this, It is really gonna suck on January 20th 2017 when they swear Hillary in. Wha?? You presupposing that

    Fantasy #1) Cruz would not only have gotten the nomination but would have cast a wider net then Trump for normally not voting Republican voters. Sure pal, sure.

    Fantasy #2) Trump will lose the general to Hillary, now under federal investigation for treason and influence peddling, that she’ll SOME HOW, SOME WAY not have a fainting spell, a coughing fit, a massive brain fart or any other of a number of things that will make Trump’s point about her being unfit.

    Further, there were 16 other contenders that started with Trump. How many are there now?

    Yeah, keep plucking that chicken bub.

  20. OhioDan said: “I don’t believe this one. I don’t think Cruz is so stupid as to think he could get away with something like this and still run for president.”

    Clinton thought the same thing. When you got a hard on, the desire is far more easier to give in to than what is right. You never think you’ll get taught, and when you do you can try and lie your way out of it. Evidence out weighs lies.

  21. TO Woody

    YOU’RE the one trying to make this
    a thing about Trump.
    The issue here is CRUZ,
    and his actions
    (also…in context of his “True, Principled” persona).

  22. Let’s face it people. Before we saw through Cruz, how many of us really liked the Cruz/Bacon video or were we just trying to like it even though it was over contrived. Same with the contrived photoshop of Cruz as “badass.” His persona is contrived and comes out smarmy.

    At least Trump isn’t covering up his bad behavior through the years.

    I know the movie Raphael’s Five Easy Pieces will never be made, same as Bill and the Blue Dress will never be made.

  23. Sorry, don’t believe this story for a minute and it’s irksome that so many are so quick to jump on the “Ted’s a Cheater” wagon just cause he’s not their guy. Good grief, we used to all be on the same side; now it’s like dodging bullets every time I look at the comment section. As far as “preaching” Ted, don’t get me started on the preaching that several of you are most guilty of. Sheesh.

    And I say this as one who would cheerfully vote for either Cruz or Trump over the Butcher of Benghazi Hlllary.

  24. When Cain’s penchant for women other than his wife broke his back, I believed it right away. I’m ready to believe this story unless Cruz comes out swinging right away. If it is all a lie, it will be easy to refute. If it’s true, he will either admit it or try to ignore it.

  25. Sad thing is I bet this story cant be proven true OR false. It will be a he said/she said. So Cruz reputation and run for president could be ruined. I dont want Trump to win the nomination like this.

  26. Reasons it could be true,

    No publication would bring this forward and take a chance of getting sues and losing a ton of money.

    Reason it may not be true,

    Ted Cruz is one butt ugly man.
    Who in their right mind wants to have sex with someone who preaches to you durring the entire event?

  27. Brad, Trump spokesman already DENOUNCED it as total complete utter bullshit:

    What’s worse? People who actually believe the trash in tabloids, or the ones who know it’s false &spread it anyway? #stupidity on all levels

    Katrina Pierson

  28. @GoldenFoxx,

    We’re not holding the bible up in one hand while gazing up at the sky claiming that Trump is this and that and trying to make the guy out to be a monster.

    No you’re holding up the Art of the Deal in one hand while gazing up at Trump Tower claiming that Cruz is this and that and trying to make the guy out to be a monster.

    Just sayin’…… 😉

  29. @Czar,

    YOU’RE the one trying to make this a thing about Trump.

    Actually Trump is mentioned TWICE in the story and Trump supporters on this thread began the inferred and direct comparisons between the two, but I will gladly accept the credit if you want to assign it to me.

  30. Cruz may think he can steal Trumps thunder by having almost as many affairs while married as Trump, but it isn’t going to work.
    Can Cruz prove his trysts? No!
    Can Trump, hell yes, he brags often about them and many of the women have backed up his stories.
    While Cruz was wasting time in church, Trump was on the golf courses with the pros, like Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby.
    That Cruz is lust a lightweight wannabe.
    Trump 2016!

  31. @Brad,

    No publication would bring this forward and take a chance of getting sues and losing a ton of money.

    Ahh you might want to speak to the large number of celebrities who are smeared with false stories every year and yet do not sue because the National Enquirer would require an enormous amount of money to sue and you will never recoup it. Ask Carol Burnett;

    <iA jury awarded Ms. Burnett $1.6 million, but that judgment was later reduced to $200,000 after a number of appeals, and Ms. Burnett then agreed to an unspecified out-of-court settlement with The Enquirer. Damages Often Reduced


    So that dog don’t hunt….

  32. MM, that was a direct quote from your post.
    Please don’t ask me to paste the entire quote.

    It was not taken out of context that I am aware of.
    It stands alone that you meant that “hey, he was accused, so it doesn’t really matter what he says”

    Kind of like the democrats “It’s the seriousness of the charge” when GW Bush 41 supposedly went to Iran before the election in 1980.

    Please explain if you still think I misquoted you.

  33. What happened to actual “facts” people?
    Accusations by the Inquirer are facts now?

    I think I’ll hold off for a while on judgement.
    I see that “Trumpettes” have already convicted
    and are already quivering in orgasmic delight.

    The Trump “ettes” solution resolution . . .
    Throw enough sh*t at the wall and . . . .
    some may eventually stick . . . . .
    or at least stink up the place . . .

    So let me get this straight . . . .
    One of the accusers is Katrina Pierson.
    Trumps very own national spokesperson.
    So Cruz is gonna hang his a$$ out in the open,
    knowing full well what’s going to happen when
    he comes close to beating her employer Trump?

    Then he is supposed to file a lawsuit . . . .
    while at the same time running a campaign?

    I really do dig ‘el LocoBlancoSaltine’s . . . .
    . . . Trump’s Pecker comment though . . 🙂


  34. @Loco: Although I am always ready for happy hour, yes – I really meant the MSM would move on if Cruz came clean. Stories like this are kept alive usually because of the cover up, and if there is no cover up, then the public loses interest and moves on to something else. Nixon was not forced to resign because some people broke into Democrat headquarters – he was forced to resign because of the cover up which kept Watergate in the news forever. Bill Clinton was not impeached because he got a blow job from Monica Lewinsky – he tried to cover it up. Scandals still follow Hillary because she will never admit to doing anything wrong, or even admit to doing anything for that matter.

    Obama admits he was a pot head early in his life, and this is essentially a non-issue. Bush admitted he had tried cocaine, and this became a non-issue. “Yes, sorry and it won’t happen again” effectively ended these as a major public issue. With political scandals, it is the cover up and denials that make the story.

    It’s not that liberals in the MSM want to let Cruz, or any other Republican off the hook – it’s that the MSM is also in the business of making money. If you catch a politician with his hand in the honey pot, and he says “boy, that was sure a bad mistake on my part. Sorry.” then the story quickly loses its public interest. I have informally followed public scandals for many years, and the cover ups are almost universally more damaging than the actual acts committed.

    This is not to say that if these claims are true, Ted Cruz will not be damaged. He will be damaged, and given that he is posturing himself as a conservative evangelical Christian, this damage is deserved. But if Ted Cruz doubles down with denials of things that can be proven, the story does not go away and he is done as a Presidential candidate, and perhaps done as a politician altogether.

  35. Wyatt, I’ll buy the first round. 🙂

    I agree that coming clean is best but no way would the MSM leave him alone.
    Ted would be done if this were true anyway.
    He doesn’t have the protection that Trump and the democrats have.
    Granted Trump has created his own shield and I admire him for that.

    If this were true I would lose all faith in Ted.
    I don’t like religion mixed with politics anyway.
    I do understand that many evangelicals vote a certain way though.

    Bottom line, I don’t want to be preached to, lied to, condescended to, or patronized by anyone.

  36. @Loco: we are basically on the same page. Particularly about happy hour. I get your position on the media legs of these allegations, although in some respects I disagree.

    No one should be lied to, condescended to or patronized by anyone. When I state opinions – at least opinions that are not intended to be goofs in the first place – I generally try to state why I believe this or hold this opinion. I don’t mind if people tell me I’m full of fecal matter if they also tell me why, and in fact they should do this. I am admittedly close to perfect and omnipresent, but not quite there yet so I don’t mind criticism.

  37. Just have Obola smell Cruz’s dick and tell us how many women it’s been in … problem solved.

    Or Moose – she may have a more acute olfactory …

    izlamo delenda est …

  38. Wyatt, my “preached, lied to” comment was mostly about elected representatives.
    No one on this site can raise my taxes or import killer muslims.
    (Fur may ban me but he can’t jail me)

    I get sick of the vitriol and fire back.
    Hypocrisy really gets my goat when it comes to the comments.
    I have called out Cruz and supported Trump on this site.
    I love some of the things Trump says.

    I try to either joke my ass off or be as serious and factual as I can.
    I have no agenda to push other than conservative values.

    I wonder how we will ever come together to fight the jackal Hillary in the Fall?

  39. @FarmWife: The fact that there are 5 women and all of them named is a good indication that it is true. Bill Clinton has a long list of women, and they are all named and have been interviewed throughout the years. In fact, a couple of the women are still talking to the press. Cruz’s five lovers will start talking, they can’t hide from the press, they knew this was coming.

    Does anyone recall when Hillary started in on Trump and the Trump warned Hillary to shut her pie hole or he’ll let a lot of info loose? Cruz’s problem is he hasn’t learned to shut his pie hole. More will come out and it will all unravel and expose the real Teddy Swaggert Cruz.

  40. Ohio Dan
    March 25, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    In my opinion the vitriol of the commenters is hurting this blog. Take a breath folks.


    That sounds like it came straight out of the Democrat “shout them down” hand book. I don’t see where commenting on the subject is hurting anything but maybe a couple of people’s feelings and that’s all.

  41. I am hardly shouting anyone down and being accussed of using Democrat tactics is a truly unique experience for me.I am simply trying to let the logic of people’s words over shadows the rage some folks are displaying.

  42. I only got part way through the comments here. I am thoroughly sickened by some here who see glee in taking down someone on our own side to save your own candidate. If some of you think splitting up serious Republicans who want to save our country is the way to go then I guess you’re just harrolding in Hillary. Thanks a lot for helping us all stick together. NOT!!

  43. Come on guys, can’t we all just get along and focus on the enemy – the vile, disgusting, liberal left……..

    It’s strange for me to see folks once united against the left at one another’s throats……..

  44. Wow, this place has gone way, waaaay down hill. How any alleged conservative can even REMOTELY consider supporting Trump is beyond me. Acting like a spastic bunch of slavish obamabots. Hideously disappointing.

  45. LocoBlancoSaltine
    March 25, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    Yeah Goldenfoxx, I hated it when Ted was preaching about 2 Corinthians…



    Teddy Swaggert Cruz shouldn’t be preaching anything especially scripture with the latest accusation hanging over his head. He’s being made fun of all over the internet. Yep, there’s a lot of people butt hurt probably because they’ve put their faith in a man and not in God.

    I’m not mad or upset with anyone here for their opinion, I’m actually laughing at all of it pro and con. At least no one is calling each other filthy names, and it all seems civil. On other sites, I need a shower after reading some of the comments. 🙂

  46. @Tuesday: It appears to me that the two Republican candidates are trying to take each other down. What I’m laughing at is the hypocrisy of one of the candidates preaching and holding up the Bible, then being accused of having 5 mistresses. I do believe this story has been known for some time and it wasn’t until Swaggert Cruz had one of his minions target Trump’s wife. I think Swaggert Cruz is capable of being more sleazy than Trump and he’s showing it.

    /just saying

  47. @Goldenfoxx – I call you on your glee of hypocrisy and your idiocy at believing the first story that came along regarding Ted Cruz. You hear what you want to hear without taking a damned minute to discern the truth of it. You TRUMP people (and I LIKE TRUMP) – with your supercilious attitudes will turn people away from him. Good God.

    /just sayin’

  48. @Brad,

    Actually you need to do a little more reading and less posting.

    While Hogan has been awarded $115 million at present, the National Inquirer has likewise lost to Carol Burnett who happen to win $1.6 million against them. It was appealed, much like I fully expect the Hogan case to be handled. This is how they wear you down and eventually win just because you take a tiny award compared to what you spent to win and what you deserve.

    How much has Hogan spent so far? Do you really think that Gawker is just going to pay $115 million and walk away? Hogan will never see it and so far it has taken 4 years of effort just to get to this point.

    So yet again, that dog don’t hunt….

  49. Goldenfoxx said –
    That sounds like it came straight out of the Democrat “shout them down” hand book. I don’t see where commenting on the subject is hurting anything but maybe a couple of people’s feelings and that’s all.

    No, it’s not that we are afraid of hurt feelings – believe you me, we can take much sterner stuff than you throw out.

    The point is – we are supposed to be on the same side and yet, instead of discussion on the disagreements – it seems to always go down the path of insults, name calling, lectures, etc.

    /just sayin’

  50. @Goldenfoxx–seems you are taking a lot for granted and believing anything Trump says. As far as the picture of Trump’s wife posing on the front of a magazine, do you mean she didn’t want to be seen on the front of that magazine? Is she not proud she posed for the front of the magazine? Do you not think that’s one of the reasons why Trump married her? Because she was a Trophy Wife that posed on the front of a magazine? Why is this Cruz’s fault? Where is the connection?

    This is my own personal opinion, but I think Trump trumped all this hand-wringing over his wife on the cover of a magazine FOR publicity. And he got it. And now he is turning off a lot of potential voters who wonder why he wants to paint his wife as a saint and go after perhaps, the closest thing to a saint, Cruz’s wife. And I said ‘perhaps’. I have no idea, but I would say that Trump and his wife surely are not saints.

    This has turned into our generation’s Civil War. I am extremely saddened that democrat tactics are being used to split our side up. Hello Hillary. Good-bye America. This could have been such a time to save our country and not tear it apart. This could have been a time to show how the democrats have ruined and trashed and nearly killed our nation off, but no, it’s come down to the looks of wive’s. How utterly low. How utterly sad for the future for our kids that their lives are being destroyed and our side is ripping each other apart and giving the nomination to Socialists and Communists. This could have been a time where Cruz and Trump came together work work for good and put a stop to the Elitists in the Republican Party. We could have been winners.

  51. Make America Great Again! Make America Great Again!!!! Make America Strongly Great Again!!!!!!!!!! Liar Ted, Beastiality Ted, Murderer Ted, Gay Ted, Molester Ted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. @Aunt Liz – the voice of common sense. Thank you. And you are correct. Even though I have always said I would vote for Trump if he is the nominee, I am seriously having second thoughts. His admirers are every bit as vicious as any Democrat. And I am damn sick and tired of being called a “faux Conservative” just because I don’t support the faux conservative. I have been a conservative longer that some folks here have been alive, and no, it is not the George W. Bush brand of conservatism. It seems as though Trump’s supporters don’t think they need all of the rest of us. News flash. You do. Unless you are counting on your fellow Democrats to cross party lines to vote for Trump. (See what I did there? Do you like being called a Democrat?)

  53. After seeing the shiite that’s going down here lately, I don’t know If Cruz can win. Hillary might, but now I’m pretty damn sure that Trump won’t!
    National Enquirer (owned by a close personal friend of Trump) is gospel now? Give me a break.

  54. Anyone want to debate Van Halen Roth-era vs. Van Halen Hagar-era for a change of pace? “Romeo Delight” vs. “Dreams.” Not even a fair fight. Even without Ed, Dave’s solo albums are far superior to anything Van Hagar produced.

    Just for the record, Van Halen 3 is a great album. Gary Cherone brought back “Romeo Delight” on that tour and he nailed it live. But Roth ALWAYS wins, HANDS DOWN. Wait an invading safe-spacing second! BigFurHat once called Diamond Dave a “douche” in the comments section when I once professed my allegiance to Dave. I’m was so offended! This blog sucks! I’m outta here! ?

  55. I meant to pen “safe space second” and “I was so offended!”

    Man. My grammar does suck in the wee hours of the night. At least my opinion on Van Halen with David Lee Roth doesn’t. ?

  56. @Tuesday and @ riverlife_calli – I agree completely. We have the chance to wrest the power away from the GOP elites and we have the chance to win the presidency as Hillary is a broken down old shell. And yet, I fear that because of all the in-fighting on the conservative side, we will get neither.

    @Jerry Manderin – I don’t get offended nearly so easy as it seems the Trumpsters do. One cannot even make a light hearted jab about the guy, without the Trumpster minions running out hurling insults from the get go, and then there is the unceasing and odious preaching. I’m not offended, I’m annoyed. And that’s okay – I ain’t going any where. IOTW is my home place on the interweb.

  57. TO Aunt Liz et al

    If you want “to wrest the power away from the GOP elites,

    I suggest that you don’t – and, more importantly CAN’T – do so with someone who grew up politically within the Bush machine and has swum in one manner or another in or around the Council of Foreign Relations and Goldman Sachs.

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