Will the Last Person Drinking Bud Light Please Turn Off the Beer Sign – IOTW Report

Will the Last Person Drinking Bud Light Please Turn Off the Beer Sign

PJ Media

Our deeply divided nation is reunited at last! We cannot agree on whether dismembering children in the womb is a monstrous crime or a basic human right. We can’t agree on whether men can become champion female swimmers. We certainly will never agree on whether a jaw-droppingly corrupt kleptocrat deep in the throes of dementia should even have gotten near the Oval Office. We argue over whether the Founding Fathers were slaveowners to be despised or visionaries of freedom to be revered. But there is one thing we do agree on: we all loathe Bud Light. More

15 Comments on Will the Last Person Drinking Bud Light Please Turn Off the Beer Sign

  1. We actually have conservatives saying that winning the culture war is not important.
    Just like DeSantis going nuclear on Disney Inc, taking down Bud Lite because they had a dude in woman-face as their new spokesman is incredibly important.
    Shots MUST BE FIRED!
    Go woke-go broke must be instilled in the back of every fucking CEO in the country.
    Make them choose the hill to die on.

    I don’t give a single FUCK how much A-B gives to your campaign.
    Examples must be made.
    Fuck around & find out!

  2. Tim – FJB AT 6:01 AM

    Me either, but..

    You can still spread the ridicule and pile on when you see it in someone’s possession.

    Double secret boycott, if you will.

    My Bud Light drinking neighbor will get razzed if I see it piled in his recycle bin again. It is definitely his fave, so I’m wondering.

  3. Notification came up on my phone a couple days ago from a newsfeed.

    “Chicago gay bars support Bud Light…”

    I swiped it away. Of course Chicongo leftists support BL.

    Just found out the WHOLE headline is “Chicago gay bars support Bud Light BOYCOTT.”


  4. Fence sitting is never a winning strategy.

    Trying to leave doors open is the same principle. Soon no doors will be open for you.

    Personal advice to the individual: Make a choice and let chips fall where they may. Trying to please everyone will please no one and you are showing you can’t be trusted because you have no principles in play.

    Even if your principle is disgusting, at least decent people are forewarned of what to expect from you. Like, admitting you are attracted sexually to children. Thank you for telling me. That leaves no doubt about what to watch out for and prevent when you’re in the mix. We’ll be shutting off all potential access to children from here on. IE, No crossing guard duty or youth pastor positions for you.

  5. There are plenty of great local beer makers such as The Prodigal Brewing Company in NH. Why does anyone waste their time with crap like Bud, in any version, Coors, Michelob, even Sam Adams, the list goes on? They are pretty much all owned by the same company, why not support small local businesses instead?

  6. I stopped by a grocery store in the People’s Republic of Libtardia (Montgomery County, Maryland) and realized they sold beer there. Out of curiosity I wondered through the beer section to see the status of BL on the shelves. Just as I expected, the shelf was half empty and the price was not marked down. I’m surprised there wasn’t a photo of the freak there as part of a promotion.
    As I left the store I saw a real life FREAK stumbling along walking across the parking lot. I had to stop and stare to be able to fully absorb what I was seeing:
    A biological male, about 6 ft tall, balding and gray haired, wearing a woman’s pant suit, with bubber bands holding the pants cuffs tight against his ankles, wearing a neckerchief as a mask while outside, wearing spike healed woman’s shoes, stumbling with each step like a comedian in a comedy movie.
    I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud.

  7. RadioMattM – Man, I’ve been wondering about just that since Target stepped on its dick with the whole bathroom thing! Why would any corporation or CEO think that pissing off any percentage of their customer base is good policy???

  8. VeedonFleece,
    Ditto for Utah. Many great local breweries while ignoring all the nationals.

    “I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud.”
    Don’t hold back! LOL long, loud, and often.
    Ridicule it/them. Ya think “it’s” going to catch you?


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