Will The Stars “Align” And Explode in 2022? – IOTW Report

Will The Stars “Align” And Explode in 2022?

Watching an old episode of “How the Universe” works titled “Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries” (season 6 episode 2, aired January 16, 2018) they described two stars orbiting each other so closely that they were expected to merge in about 4 years, i.e. 2022. Watch

KIC 9832227, in the Cygnus constellation would blow themselves up in a “red nova” that we should be easily observe in the night sky for weeks and months afterwards.

The only problem, the original calculations predicting a collision this year were probably off. Here

It doesn’t mean it will never happen, just that astronomers can’t say for sure when the galactic event of 10,000 years will occur.

28 Comments on Will The Stars “Align” And Explode in 2022?

  1. Interesting. The scientist that calculated the collision agrees that his data was flawed and he was in error, and that the new data is correct. This is how science works without idiot politicians getting in the way.

  2. New prediction says collision will occur around the year 2075, which coincides roughly around the time Pfizer releases the documentation of their Covid vaccine testing.

  3. so, it will take about 10,000 light years to reach us

    … & it’s already occurred regardless

    one more item checked off my list of things to not to worry about

  4. 1800 light years away. So, if it happens in 2022, it will be seen on earth in 3822. Yawn.

    Let’s go back to Earth’s impending doom from penguin burps or whatever the threat will be next week.

  5. I thought the White Dwarf was Tony Fauxi …
    The Black Hole is Whoopi …
    And the Globular Cluster is Michael Moore.

    Hmmm … the Horsehead Nebula?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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