Will This Idiotic Queer Theory Professor Be Fired For What Peer Review Called “Vomit Worthy Scholarship”? – IOTW Report

Will This Idiotic Queer Theory Professor Be Fired For What Peer Review Called “Vomit Worthy Scholarship”?

Stephanie Springgay

College Fix-

In her paper, “‘How to Write as Felt’: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies,” published online in late July by Studies in Philosophy and Education, Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibers,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

“[T]his paper addresses ‘the problem of education’ that is predicated on cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics that assume knowledge enters from an outside, that is predicated on progress, and that regulates and violently disavows particular bodies,” it states.

“Felting as a posthuman proposition demands that we stop thinking broadly about … education. Instead we need to consider intimate transmaterial touching relations that do not intensify settler colonial mastery over human and nonhuman life,” the paper adds.

Springgay is an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the University of Toronto, according to her curriculum vitae; and from 2004 to 2009, she worked as an assistant professor in visual arts and women’s studies at Penn State University.

Her online bio states her research focus includes “feminist new materialism, queer theory and the inhuman, research-creation, methodologies, and affect theory.”


Michael Eric Dyson disciple?

26 Comments on Will This Idiotic Queer Theory Professor Be Fired For What Peer Review Called “Vomit Worthy Scholarship”?

  1. Sounds like she was triggered too many times by the felt-board in Kindergarten and/or Sunday School since most of these bints are in direct rebellion from normalcy.

  2. Thoroughly incoherent and meandering babble by a scatter brained idiot. Nothing new there, but the fact that her verbal sewage is actually taken seriously by her peers is troubling. Worse still is that students pay and are forced to endure it.

  3. The more incomprehensible the premise, the better the scholarship according to today’s academic fraud elites.

    “If I can’t understand it, it must be genius.”

  4. The Problem with Academia….

    Is that these people have to write thesis papers on subjects that haven’t been covered before. Soooooo, instead of using their brains, they make up dog-whistle-filled bullshit of 100 or so pages with buzz-words surrounded by text as filler.

    Blame the institution for even accepting such a premise to be submitted in the first place. But since they have no standards, and no backbone to say “no”, they allow virtually every bit of mental shit to be put down on paper.

  5. Catch-words and key-words.
    Nobody reads this dreck – nobody’s supposed to read this dreck.

    THIS is the “scientific” in “scientific socialism.”
    Pure, Unadulterated Nonsense.

    More of this nonsense needs to be brought to the attention of the public – the public should know the extent that their money is being squandered.

    And it’s not just in the realm of “Philosophy and Education” but in ALL aspects of Academia – Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering, too, have their share of senselessness parading as “scholarship” – though it’s more easily discernible in this sort of … of … what would you call it? Mental masturbation?

    The moronic imbecilities are dumbfounding. It’s almost as though random words from a dictionary and a thesaurus were thrown together by some retarded simian – but that would be generous. A retarded simian wouldn’t be hateful, after all.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. On closer reading, it seems she’s simply sexually frustrated. When she wrote, “we need to consider intimate transmaterial touching relations” she was telling the reader in her highly imitable and sophomoric way that she’s just itching for frottage session.


    Nope, ain’t gonna click on any of the links in the “Header.”

    But really saw another reason why my “walk away” from being a “catlicker” over fifty years ago was correct. At a wedding yesterday where the priest said “What God has joined together, let no human put asunder…” WTF

    Yep, and the current “Poop” is doing a great job with: “There is no hell… Capital punishment is wrong…”
    At least he’s trying to cover his ass (pun intended) where the sexual abuse is concerned. Believe they’re saying every five hundred years they needed a reformation and they’re looking at number four. Gotta rewrite the liturgy first.

  8. If I have to reread something more than once and still need clarity, I figure the purveyor of said “wisdom” is too stupid to present their message in a clear, concise, and cogent manner.
    My time is limited and patience for such nonsense is in even shorter supply.

  9. “Springgay is an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the University of Toronto, according to her curriculum vitae;”…….to wit, an educated moron.

  10. Leave us not decry her obstreperous lexicon. Certainly it smacks of misguided and ill-conceived meanderings, contrived apparently to camouflage an unsupportable hypothesis.
    When stripped of these obfuscations, the residue is revealed as malarkey, contrived upon an insubstantial foundation composed of insecurity, angst, guilt, overcompensation and insecurity.

    Welcome to the future!!


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