Will Trump Bring Up the Chinese Boots Issue at the First Debate? – IOTW Report

Will Trump Bring Up the Chinese Boots Issue at the First Debate?


Our brave soldiers are wearing boots that – instead of being 100 percent American-made – seem to be imported from China and at the tax-payers’ expense. This news could not have come at a worst time, Lionel, political and media analyst, told RT.

Wellco Enterprises has sold thousands of boots worth millions of dollars to the US military for decades.

It turns out, however, the famous ‘Made in USA’ military footwear might actually be coming from China. Wellco stands accused of allegedly removing ‘Made in China’ labels from its products.

And with the presidential elections just around the corner, media and political analyst Lionel says this scandal could not have happened at a better time for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

RT: What do you make of the situation around counterfeit boots in the context of the election year in the US?

Lionel: Right now especially during the election when patriotism is higher than ever, this could not have come at a worst time. Because not only do these boots represent not American productivity and manufacture, but [they are] foreign and military. So, our brave military wearing boots that instead of being 100 percent American are made elsewhere in China and South American countries and at the tax-payers’ expense. This could not have come at a worst time; the symbolism of this and the optics speak for themselves.

RT: What can you say about the actual quality of this particular Chinese product?

Lionel: We are presuming that the quality of this footwear is not up to par. I can’t even imagine that somebody would make an allegation that they are actually better or cheaper. We are not even suggesting that. But it goes to show you that this is what happens when you have competition, but this is just fraud. This is not Watergate, this is not Enron, it is not the worst catastrophe… but it is the symbolism. You are going to have an average American voter think. If I were Donald Trump, I’d be all over this… Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton could use this and say “This is why trade deals are bad,” and he could somehow work NAFTA into it.

It shows you the inferiority of these trade agreements and how American jobs were yet again stolen. And defrauding the government and defrauding the troops. This is the ultimate in barbarism.


ht/ all too much

13 Comments on Will Trump Bring Up the Chinese Boots Issue at the First Debate?

  1. Both Wellco and New Balance should be publicly shamed.

    New Balance for playing both sides of the fence. They zip-lipped their initial opposition to the TPP in exchange for DoD awarding them the military contract. Obama reneged and voilá they came out against the TPP. So they were willing to bet against the U.S. when the back room deal looked promising.

    Same with GM, hiring 700 Canadian engineers based in Ontario for research of self-driving cars, increasing it’s current number of 300 to 1000 Canadian engineers…… I guess because the U.S. doesn’t have engineers????

    Drive the point home, ask Senator Punjab about the 10’s of jobs she brought to upstate NY.

    Caterpillar, New Balance, Avon, Burger King, etc., etc., etc.
    Trump needs to compile a list of every U.S. company and/or subsidiary that moved to other countries and include # jobs, revenue/tax base loss, and explain why. This needs to be hammered at every rally from here to Nov 7.

  2. Are there any boots made in America?
    We don’t even tan leather any more.
    Our economy is completely fake. Middle managers, lawyers, politicians, compliance officers, “human resources” people, tax-advisers, counselors, dead-weight shiftless lazy affirmative-action hires, slugs, maggots, bean-counters, nose-pickers, and shit-pickle-eaters.

    The chinks make good shit if they have honky QA people looking over their shoulders and honky engineers doing the designs (see welding machines).

    I recently bought some logger boots made in China (I didn’t know it at the time) that appear to be very well made. Have no idea if they’ll last 10 years like my name-brand gov’t boots did (they never wore out, the soles separated) but they may have been Chinese, as well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That picture made me think that the absolutely perfect ‘invited guest’ at tonight’s debate would be a pair of boots, a helmet and American flag, representing those no longer with their families because of Hillary’s State Department lead.

  4. What they really need to zero in on is why it costs so damned much money to produce anything in this country. Start with the legal profession and tort reform. Then move onto radical environmentalism. Almost every reason for cost prohibition leads directly back to the democrat party.

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