Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California’s Stonehenge? – IOTW Report

Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California’s Stonehenge?

American Thinker: The choo choo to nowhere is not funded, yet destroying homes, business and communities. They have torn up portions of Fresno, signed contracts without the money to pay for them—in fact, the cost goes up by billions every few months. The route is not set, environmental lawsuits will stop the effort for years. As part of the destruction of California, the High Speed Rail folks are tearing down areas around the freeways to build new over passes. But will they be completed.

“They apparently are not opposed to borrowing and spending for ambitious government projects — especially to alleviate crowded freeways. Planners assured voters that the cost for the first 520 miles was going to be an “affordable” $33 billion. The rail line seemed a good way to connect the state’s economically depressed interior with the affluent coastal corridor. The segment from Madera to Bakersfield was thought to be the easiest to build. Rural land was cheaper to acquire in the interior of California.

The route was flat, without the need to bore tunnels. The valley is considered seismically stable. Economically depressed counties welcomed the state and federal investment dollars. But projected costs have soared even before one foot of track has been laid. The entire project’s estimated price, according to various projections, may have nearly doubled. The current cost for the easiest first segment alone has spiraled from a promised $7.8 billion in 2016 to an estimated $10.6 billion.”  read more

15 Comments on Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California’s Stonehenge?

  1. They can’t lay out the route yet; all the corrupt democrat politicians haven’t purchased their land yet; once that happens, then the route can be laid out to hit every one of their properties, which will then be purchased at grossly inflated prices. The route will zig-zag across california so that what should have been a 400 mile line will end up being 1000 miles long. History always repeats itself.


    Have not been on 99 in over 45 years!

    Have not looked from The Golden State to see em; are they visible?

    Add San Berdo and a city near So Sanf Fran (the Industrial City)( I think its called Daily City, ?) to your list. Redwood City (climate is best…) , Oakland and Martinez are fighting hard to join the bankrupt party!

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