Will we get a better quality of illegal under Mexico’s new president, AMLO? – IOTW Report

Will we get a better quality of illegal under Mexico’s new president, AMLO?

American Thinker: The question sounds weird, but it’s worth asking, given that Andrés Manuel López-Obrador, Mexico’s newly elected president, has declared he considers emigrating illegally “a human right” and in the tradition of Mexico’s political class.  He likely intends to drive the more politically troublesome elements of Mexico’s population northward.

Here’s what he was saying ten days ago, as reported by The Daily Caller:

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) declared mass immigration to the United States a “human right” for all North Americans during a speech Tuesday.

“And soon, very soon – after the victory of our movement – we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

He then declared migration “a human right we will defend,” eluniversal.com reports.

Who is likely to be the most troublesome?  Not the illegals we see now – the Mexican nationals who sop up welfare benefits and serve Democratic Party interests in everything from larding up the electoral college count to bringing more federal funding to Democrat-run districts to actually voting illegally in our elections.  Why is that?  Because AMLO, as he is known, intends to bring those very benefits to Mexicans back home.  Basically, his election signals a bid to grab back Mexico’s underclass from the United States and shower them with benefits at home to keep himself popular.  On the social services front, things really are bad over there.  Last election day, I did visit Tijuana and went to slum, asking Mexicans who had “served” as illegals here what they were up against now that they were back home.  Several told me they had to pay high fees to get their kids educated (or else no school for them), and pensions for the old were virtually nonexistent.  There were also the usual complaints about drugs and corruption, but it was striking how weak Mexico’s social services were.  more here

5 Comments on Will we get a better quality of illegal under Mexico’s new president, AMLO?

  1. AMLO is doing the LMAO at all those PUTOs he just mowed down this past election.

    This is Mexico Calling, Come home to Mexico my little home sick Cucarachas, we make everyting all good for you now.


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