Will Wheeping – Soy Boy of the universe, Lost in Cyberspace, Trekking His Way From One Social Media Platform To Another, Trying To Find a Place Called Home – IOTW Report

Will Wheeping – Soy Boy of the universe, Lost in Cyberspace, Trekking His Way From One Social Media Platform To Another, Trying To Find a Place Called Home

Actor Will Wheaton is an a$$hole. If you’ve ever read his insufferably self-righteous dumbass SJW tweets this story will give YOU a thumb’s up.


Wheaton, who is now 46, had been enjoying something of a second career as an insufferable Nerdboy Social Justice Warrior on the Twitters. And, naturally, after Donald Trump won the presidency, Wheaton added the Resistance to his résumé.

Last month, along with CNN, Wheaton was one of the blacklisting blacklisters desperate to have Alex Jones blacklisted. When Twitter refused to blacklist Jones, Wheaton piously announced he was leaving the social media site for something more pure, an alt-Twitter site called Mastodon.

And it was here that Wil Wheaton got a taste of life in a world of Wil Wheatons…

It all began when — and how perfect is this? — Wheaton pretty much introduced himself to the Mastodon community by calling for someone to be blacklisted after this someone played an innocent “bofa” joke on him.

“Bofa” jokes go like this:

“Hey, did you watch that awesome show on Bofa last night?”

“What’s Bofa?”

*points to crotch* “Bofa deez nuts down here.”

Innocent, dumb, hilarious…

But joyless Wheaton didn’t think so (he was on TV, you know), and instead of responding with a good-natured “LMFAO,”  Wheaton reported this person for abuse.

There was just one problem: Wheaton is a straight white male (which is the long way of saying Hitler), and the person Wheaton reported for abuse is a transsexual. And as we all know, transsexuals are now on the highest rung of the identity politics ladder, and straight white males are Hitler.

And so, the mob of tattletale hall monitors Wheaton helped empower had him blacklisted from Mastodon using the fascist online rules Wheaton helped normalize.

And now, Wheaton has retreated to the only place he has left, his own blog, where he is using this incident to prove to the world he is not a man:

This lie that I am anti-trans, or anti-LGBQ, is deeply hurtful to me (I know it’s nothing like the pain LGBTQ people deal with every day, as they simply try to *exist* in a world that treats them so badly, but it is still hurtful in its own way to me)…

I’m leaving the Fediverse [Mastodon], which has treated me with more cruelty, vitriol, hatred, and contempt than than anyone on the birdsite ever did.

I know that I’m well-off, well-known, and as a CIS white hetro dude in America, I live life on the lowest difficulty setting. I know that I have very little to complain about.  But I still have feelings, and I really do care about the world and the people in it. What I see is a lot of anger and cruelty directed at the IDEA of me, from people who I just hope don’t realize that it really does hurt me, in my heart, to be accused of being someone I am not, and to be the target of a hateful mob

Wheaton has closed the comments on the post. 


Wheaton is pretty much out of work because he’s pasty, uncharismatic and has a weirdly annoying voice.

ht/ wisco dave


28 Comments on Will Wheeping – Soy Boy of the universe, Lost in Cyberspace, Trekking His Way From One Social Media Platform To Another, Trying To Find a Place Called Home

  1. Wesley, really? The transporter failed and only your head got permanently stuck up in your “Fediverse”. Irreverent trash actor man-child you are. Titans Grove is so edgy on a none watched crap channel that will hopefully be black holed soon. Glad your hetero (yea right), please do not propagate. Enjoy your residuals and prey you don’t end up like that “Cosby” dude bagging at Trader Joes. At least he is contributing and not needing to fill children’s heads with the crap that you have been filled with. Thanks to other commenters here, thought it was just me that has been wanting to call this deluded F’ out.

  2. To think he could have turned into a nice looking masculine young man, with a disposition to match.
    Someone fed that boy soy during his formative years. Now we all get to suffer.

  3. Given his thoroughly mediocre career in acting, is there any reason whatsoever anybody should pay any attention whatsoever to anything he has to say on any subject?


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