William Kristol and Mitt Romney Discuss How To Best Hand Hillary Clinton the White House – IOTW Report

William Kristol and Mitt Romney Discuss How To Best Hand Hillary Clinton the White House


(NEWSER) – Mitt Romney and William Kristol met privately “over glasses of water” Thursday to discuss running a third-party candidate and the possibility that candidate might be Romney himself, the Washington Post reports. Kristol, a conservative commentator and editor of theWeekly Standard, has been a major part of the #NeverTrump movement, according to Time. “[Romney] came pretty close to being elected president, so I thought he may consider doing it, especially since he has been very forthright in explaining why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should not be president of the United States,” Kristol tells the Post. Romney announced this week that he won’t be supporting Trump for president.

14 Comments on William Kristol and Mitt Romney Discuss How To Best Hand Hillary Clinton the White House

  1. Romney had an opportunity to participate in the primary fun, and as I recall several Repubican big wigs urged him to do so. Romney clearly declined to campaign for the nomiination again, and so forfeited his right to become the Republican nominee.

    The only realistic choices are now Trump and Clinton. Third parties have failed ever since the Bull Moose Party, so third party candidates may as well spend their time and campaign funds getting liquored up and chasing skirts (or pants – must be inclusive) for all the good that it will do. Romney can mount whatever third party challenge he wants, but he may as well save himself some time and money by voting for Hillary.

    Donald Trump was not my first choice for Republican nominee. But now that’s boo frickin’ hoo – Trump will be the Republican nominee, Clinton will be the Democrat nominee, and that’s the choice – Trump or Clinton. Unless Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan rise from the dead, there will be no white knight to supplant Trump at the Republican convention – at least not without completely destroying the GOP instead of merely inflicting serious damage like Romney proposes to do. Trump went through the primary process, he is the last Republican standing, and he will now probably have enough delegates to claim the nomination on the first ballot.

    Get over this, people. Do you prefer Trump or Clinton? Vote for your choice. Do you have no preference or can’t stand either? Then don’t vote for either. It’s time to move on.

  2. If only there were some direct line to Kristol.
    The message would read:

    “You got the House. You got the Senate. You fucked Americans over like you were Obama. Just what part of ‘drop dead and go to hell’ do you simply not understand?”

  3. TO Uncle Al

    Oh we DON’T, eh?!?
    WELL! Mister sweet “the sky is falling! but I’ll stand on my pure-but-delusional principles”

    get ready for a hefty teabagging in November, b!tch.

  4. The last time I was at a meeting “OVER GLASSES OF WATER,” was when I was preparing for my First Holy Communion, around 1948.

    “Never trust a man who doesn’t take a drink.” W.C.Fields

  5. Kristol can kiss my ass. What a POS. He’s looking at a career ahead as not much more then a Sunday Morning Circle Jerker. He can sit there with his ilk and pontificate on the sad state of the country while the rest of us have our sleeves rolled up and are getting er’ done.

    Whether Trump is elected or not, he’s cast his lot. We’ve seen the other side of his scummy face.

  6. “[Romney] came pretty close to being elected president…” REALLY?

    John McCain got more votes in 2008 than Romney did in 2012!

    How in the hell is that “pretty close” Kristol? And why would any thinking person listen to your bullshit?

    Hey “Billy” can you say LOSER?

  7. The GOPe are like zombies – Unaware their stinking, rotten, brain dead political maneuvers contaminate everything around them. Well, Trump just became the equivalent of Skillet, from “The Walking Dead” and the GOPe know they have a fight on their bloodless hands.

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