Winnie “Tire Necklace” Mandela is Dead – IOTW Report

Winnie “Tire Necklace” Mandela is Dead


ht/ Pelopidas

48 Comments on Winnie “Tire Necklace” Mandela is Dead

  1. “Together, Hand In Hand, With Our Matches And Our Necklaces, We Shall Liberate This Country” 13 April 1986 – Winnie Madikizela Mandela

    Ha ha ha – I searched for Mandela tire necklace and good ol’ Amazon jumped in with an offering: Shop Mandela Necklace: Amazon – Official Site – Probably not what they intended.

    This is NOT on the Amazon page, but…
    (h/t: The People’s Cube)

  2. I bet you will see world leaders making it to her burial like she never burned people to death. Nothing will be said about her evil side by the main stream media. Meanwhile, white farmers fear for their lives. South Africa will be a shithole nation in 20 years.

  3. The American press is making her like she was a hero. This bitch was calling on black peoples to kill white. So I don’t have nothing good to say about that bitch.

  4. Waiting for Obama to memorialize her by posting a picture showing the two of them together.

    Here’s what Barkie had to say when the piece of crap Nelson Mandela died.
    “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspirations from Nelson Mandela’s life,” Obama said. “I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set. So long as I live, I will do what I can to learn from him.” Yeah, he learned a lot from Nelson alright.

  5. Fun fact: You can watch, unimpeded, graphic horror videos of necklacing and other mob violence on Youtube. But Denis Prager’s “PragerU” videos are monitored.


  6. I’ve seen this before. Someone had a goal in life to accomplish before passing on, such as, leaving their children a legacy or caring for a terminally ill spouse, once they pass, the other soon follows.

    Winnie’s racist goal was to see the land taken from the whites, and to see them either dead or driven from S. Africa. With her dream goal in sight, she felt it was ok to stop fighting whatever illnesses troubled her and pass on. And I agree she should have that tire and fuel necklace for the burial. By checking out now she gains a few benefits, she wont be around to see the country go to hell, and also avoids answering tough questions like explaining why it happened following her “leadership”.

  7. I like how a good number of Africans don’t think of competing in education or business but they’re always at war for land to be some stupid tribal chief. So then you become the king of uneducated, virus ridden, starving people. Wow, good job. I’m still seeing the same little pot-bellied hungry, dark-skinned children that I saw in photographs back in the late 70’s as a toddler. It’s now 2018, Africans. Damn!

  8. I thought it was interesting that Nelson endured decades of horrible prison conditions but couldn’t stand Winnie for long when he got out!

    And if B. HUSSEIN Obama had so much respect for Nelson, why did he behave with so much disrespect at the guy’s funeral?

  9. Awwww … ain’t that sweet?
    She and Nelson – necklaced together – for eternity!

    “Burn, baby, burn!”

    I don’t take pleasure in anyone’s death, but this was long overdue.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. She was pure evil walking the face of the earth.
    Hate was all she was about.
    She could not forgive or forget.
    Kill white people,she loved it,and the beat goes on.

  11. Winne the Poo. Imagine if she was married to Barack Hussan Obama instead of that scumbag Mandela? What the fuc am I talking about? I must be drunk again. I gotta go to a meeting. I’m losing it.
    Is John McCain still hanging on?
    Winnie had a soccer team that beat the shit out of, and killed people. John Mc. just blew up a ship. And killed 235 sailors. I Hope he goes before me. So I can celebrate a little.

  12. @Hello Dolly: Since you’re new here, please don’t be misled by the level of rancor, snarky remarks, failed attempts at humor, and thinly-disguised insanity reflected in the current comments.

    Normally we’re a lot worse than this.


  13. I guess I’m gonna be the one that points out that these things happen in threes… Judge Rhinehardt, Winnie Mandela and WHO?
    F.D.R in Hell, you getting any Inside Baseball info on Number Three?


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