WINNING-Germany’s largest automakers back abolition of EU-U.S. car import tariffs – IOTW Report

WINNING-Germany’s largest automakers back abolition of EU-U.S. car import tariffs


The U.S. ambassador to Germany returns to Washington today with a tariff peace offering.

Richard Grenell will present a proposal from Germany’s leading automakers, calling for doing away with all import tariffs for cars between the European Union and the U.S.

That would mean scrapping the EU’s 10% tax on auto imports from the U.S. and other countries and the 2.5% duty on auto imports in the U.S., according to Dow Jones.

In return, the Europeans want President Trump’s threat of imposing a 25% border tax on European auto imports off the table.


Trump knows what the hell he is doing, doesn’t he?

He’s a BUSINESS MAN, not a dumbbell, never-did-nothing-in-their-lives, politician.

John Kerry comes to mind. John McCain comes to mind. Barack Obama comes to mind. Joe Biden. you can finish the list in the comments.

8 Comments on WINNING-Germany’s largest automakers back abolition of EU-U.S. car import tariffs

  1. Nanny Pelosi comes to mind … bigly!
    Schmuckles the Clown comes to mind
    Maxie Pad, Paul Ryan, the Clinton grifters, the entire demonRat party

    photoshop an old carnival/circus poster … call it the DemonRat Party Traveling Circus & Carnival… or something or other …Chautauqua … whatever

    we got the ringleader Nanny Pelousi; Schmuckles the Clown; Little Sure-Shot Davey the Hogg Boy on his ‘road’ tricycle, shooting down those NRA targets; Human Cyborg Hillary, see her consume gallons of Chardonney & Vodka without loosing both shoes; Lovable Lug Willy Clinton & his amazing hidden cigar trick;
    sideshow acts include Moose the Wild Borneo Woman; Bradley/Chelsea, the half man/ half woman; Chelsea Hubble, the Human Marionette; Crazy Maxine, the poo-flinging Loon; Barry & his Man Country Daisy Chain; Thunder Thighs the Washerwoman; etc.
    special appearances by the Schmuckles Pelousi Bleeding Hearts Club Band …. Media the Lap Dog ….

    funded by Grizzled Sorass, Dr. Evil Bozos & the continuing parade of clowns & jesters from the ‘Entertainment’ Industry

  2. Now then, is anyone seriously wondering why they are climbing right out of their skins, apoplectic over POTUS Trump?!

    It’s a sad day for them all when a political “rookie” can play all the positions by himself and still beat ’em. And, mixing my metaphors, he even gave them all a running start. Hahaha!

  3. Better to have 25% tariff on German cars and aircraft. They will use non-tariff barriers, governmental and social pressure to keep from buying non-German. Same for French, only size of deficit less.

  4. What the naysayers actually mean when they say “It can’t be done” is “We invested huge amounts of money & political clout to prevent it from happening, and here the orange man is fucking it up.”
    Keep it up Mr. Trump – drain the swamp and burn the disgusting ooze on the bottom.

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