Winning Some More – Wapo Acknowledges That Single Payer Would Cost More Than We Can Get in Taxes – IOTW Report

Winning Some More – Wapo Acknowledges That Single Payer Would Cost More Than We Can Get in Taxes

Daily Wire

The Washington Post made a stunning admission in their Sunday editorial that deviates from their left-wing bent: a single-payer health care system isn’t feasible in the United States.

ThePost argued that while there are benefits to such a system, it would come at an “astonishing” price.

“When Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed a ‘Medicare for all’ health plan in his presidential campaign, the nonpartisan Urban Institute figured that it would raise government spending by $32 trillion over 10 years, requiring a tax increase so huge that even the democratic socialist Mr. Sanders did not propose anything close to it,” ThePost wrote.

ThePost added that the Urban Institute’s figure was likely correct because currently “the U.S. government spends more per American to cover a slice of the population than other governments spend per citizen to cover all of theirs,” so simply expanding the government’s involvement in health care wouldn’t be enough.

They still, however, endorse government intrusion and control.

“There are many options short of a disruptive takeover: the government can change how care is delivered, determine which treatments should be covered, control quality at hospitals, drive down drug costs and discourage high-cost health-care plans even while making the Obamacare system better at filling coverage gaps,” ThePost wrote.


9 Comments on Winning Some More – Wapo Acknowledges That Single Payer Would Cost More Than We Can Get in Taxes

  1. “They still, however, endorse government intrusion and control.”

    So, you are in favor of ending the entire “prescription” racket, where grown adults have to get a permission slip from a doctor in order to take meds they need? Or is some government intrusion ok in your books?

  2. and yet, the formerly great state of California is marching right along to single payer with not even a clue how to pay for it and the massive debt it brings along. (forget about dealing with the ticking time bomb of Public Pensions that already makes a State Bankruptcy assured)

  3. Big government types still fantasize about programs “controlling costs.” But they can’t – things like cost and price are functions of economic principles, not government dictate. And there cannot be a system of cost control without a bottom line determining what is in demand or not, or what is efficient or not.

    Socialists like to take systems that work, and replace them with systems that have been historically shown to never work.

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