Winsome Sears Proposes Starting The ‘You’re Not Black Enough’ Caucus After GOP Delegate Is Barred From Black Caucus – IOTW Report

Winsome Sears Proposes Starting The ‘You’re Not Black Enough’ Caucus After GOP Delegate Is Barred From Black Caucus


Newly-elected Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears (R-VA) suggested several names for new caucuses after Virginia Del. Aijalon Cordoza (R) — who is black — was barred from joining the state House’s black caucus.

“We’re trying to start a new caucus. Name suggestions? The You’re Not Black Enough Caucus, The No More Division Caucus, The Welcome Caucus, The Let’s Do Away With Caucuses Caucus, The FRIEND Caucus #Virginia #inclusion #everforward,” Sears tweeted.

22 Comments on Winsome Sears Proposes Starting The ‘You’re Not Black Enough’ Caucus After GOP Delegate Is Barred From Black Caucus

  1. How about the “fuck BLM” caucus because all lives matter and quit dividing us by race.

    Mitt Romney & his “back in chains” caucus.
    joe biden* & his “my butt’s been wiped” caucus.
    Hillary Clinto & her “no waze tirrred” caucus.
    Barack Hussein Obama and his “you didn’t build that” caucus.
    Moochelle & her “Silverback” caucus…

  2. Keith used to shout, “You are a House Ni&&er!”

    “Keith, what the hell does that mean?”

    Keith said, “I got my ass beat every day because I wasn’t black enough!”

    Keith was a pain in the ass. But in the end we were dear friends. I miss Keith. He wanted to kill everybody.

  3. I have great respect for This Amazing Woman.

    She served as an electrician in the USMC so she knows what a real days work is, unlike Joe & pResident Dr. Jill.

    I wonder what she thinks of Turdeau?

  4. Ok, maybe I am being a little off here, but how about “The American Caucus”. You don’t discriminate based on melanin or sex (birth or choice), or any other arbitrary group

  5. Maybe you little boys & girls thing you have the right to choose just who is who, who can work, who can play, who can join an organization, etc…, cause your fucking better than everyone else, fuck off.

  6. @ anonymous: Jesus Christ what a spoiled, vindictive child you must have been because you’re a real beaut now. Mama should have tried breastfeeding insteading of using any old JTS Brown bottle that was laying around. Go squiggle your neighbors dog.

  7. …why don’t they just call the caucuses “Field Hands, House Niggers, Overseers, and Fugitive Slaves”?

    …that IS what the Democrats called them PREVIOUSLY, after all, and those are all roles Democrat Black politicians fill, whether they realize it or not.

    Except for Fugitive Slave.

    That’s what they consider NON-Democrat Blacks to be.


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