Winter Is Coming from the Northwest for Wisconsin Dems – IOTW Report

Winter Is Coming from the Northwest for Wisconsin Dems

New York Times

Even though Wisconsin remains a 50-50 state in statewide elections, Democrats would be on the verge of obsolescence.

“The erosion of our democratic institutions that Republicans are looking to take down should be frightening to anyone,” said John Adams, a Democratic candidate for the state Assembly from Washburn, on the Chequamegon Bay of Lake Superior. “When you start losing whole offices in government, I don’t know where they’re going to stop.”

This rural corner of Wisconsin — Douglas, Bayfield and Ashland counties [bold added]— has become pivotal because it has three Democratic-held seats that Republicans appear likely to capture; two in the Assembly and one in the state Senate. Statewide, the party needs to flip just five Assembly districts and one in the Senate to take the two-thirds majorities required to override a governor’s veto. More

As a long-time resident of Sawyer County and recently gerrymandered into the Ashland State Assembly District, we intend to vote you democrats out of our office. – Dr. Tar

7 Comments on Winter Is Coming from the Northwest for Wisconsin Dems

  1. If the democrats there had done a good job they wouldn’t be going extinct. Make room in the museums across the country so people can remember what democrats were and how they woke themselves out of existence.

  2. I hate to say shit like this, but I hope the only people that freeze to death are ones that voted for liberals (biden) even though he’s just the mouth piece for obama.

  3. NW Wisconsin has traditionally been the poorest corner of the state with the lowest population numbers as well. It doesn’t surprise me that Democrats manipulate the people up there. Being a Wisconsinite, I can tell you that the ONLY times this state was run well and equitably was when there was Republican leadership in our Madison Capital. Democrats keep bellyaching about lost “Democracy” but there is no Democracy when the state leaders completely ignore half the citizens who are Conservative Republicans. Tony Evers has done very little for all the Wisconsin citizens as a whole. He’s done plenty for the teacher’s union, catering to their every request. He’s given in to liberal policies and he has covered up for Wisconsin election fraud in the 2020 election.
    Stolen elections have consequences, and he made his choice, fuck him.


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