GWP:The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a privileged resolution to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for US President and Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes.
The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening.

The legislation will now move forward to the Wisconsin Rules Committee and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743.
The legislation was introduced by Rep. Timothy Ramthun.
Rep. Ramthun bravely called for a point of order today, during an open session. He did this by using Assembly Rule 43 and asking was his resolution privileged and able to be passed on to the Rules Committee through an open session? Yes, the resolution was privileged. Then they were able to do a vote within the session that was currently taking place. And it was all “Yes”, an unanimous vote to move the legislation to the Rules Committee. So now the resolution will land at the Rules Committee. It’s in the hands of Speaker Vos, a Republican. So Speaker Vos and the rest of the representatives have ten days to answer back on whether he’s going to push it to the floor for a vote. It is not clear what the Wisconsin Senate did with it yet. more
Wowser! Much courage so!
Like all those legislators that passed bills limiting the abortion genocide. But only while The United States Supreme Court said they were moot.
Maybe in fifty years, The United States Supreme Court will allow an asterisk to be placed after the first President Biden’s name.
What would be the end result should it pass and be signed by the Gov? Biden “won” by more than 10 electoral votes. Would it give credence to the fraud allegation? At the end of the day the moron is still president. What am I missing?
If enough states’ legislative bodies (with proof of widespread voter fraud or illegal votes) vote to DECERTIFY their state’s electoral votes cast for Biden in 2020, under the 12th Amendment, the presidential election is decided by the House of Representatives. One vote per state. TRUMP wins and the most fraudulent election in history is over-turned! FJB
This is a good thing. A positive step and I believe we need to remain positive. No, this will not overturn the stolen election, but it at least has the ability to put proof of the steal on the table. Tear down the wall of denial one brick at a time.
Sometimes it’s necessary to make a stand.
To stand up for truth, honesty, honor, and election integrity.
Maybe when the milquetoast RINOs see it they’ll be ashamed and also take a stand (don’t laugh).
The Demonrats are thoroughly evil and cannot be expected to defend America in any sense (Sinema and Manchin may be possible exceptions – or they may have their own calculus).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Do you really think RINOs like Goldberg, Kristol, Boot, Romney, Snow, Cupp, Erickson, Lowry, Hayes, Will, Brooks, Rubin, French(I could do this for an hour) will EVER feel the least bit remorseful, even staring down the most disastrous administration in our history, for their heavy handed oppo to DJT?
You need some more coffee dude because these scum bags, TO THIS DAY, hate DJT and us with a white hot feverish intensity.
They may not be down with camps and cattle cars but they’ll see the “need” Have one of these fuckers said a GD thing about the nightmare the 1/6 prisoners are going through? yeah, good luck with that shame stuff.
This calls for an immediate discussion!
Never lose hope.
I’m glad the people who fought for our liberty from King George didn’t lose hope.
I will never again be complacent and let the left have their way.
Stop acting like a battered wife. Put your big boy pants on and at least encourage those who are trying to do something.
That was sarcasm.
I thought it was so obvious that it didn’t need to be pointed out.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Has more holes than their tiny swiss cheese brains.
40,000 “un-creased” ballots with NO RETURN ADDRESS were allowed to be counted last time. So how were they mailed in? Dropped in miscellaneous drop boxes without the official envelope? Riiiiight. Remove them from the count an Trump won Wisconsin.
Next: Get rid of Gov. Dweeb.
Claudia — With you ALL the way! It’s not nothing and in fact is a good start.
Our God is an awesome God. This year will be marked by doors opening that couldn’t be opened and doors slamming shut that couldn’t be closed before. Watch and pray.
@AJ January 26, 2022 at 3:05 am
> If enough states’ legislative bodies (with proof of widespread voter fraud or illegal votes) vote to DECERTIFY their state’s electoral votes cast for Biden in 2020, under the 12th Amendment, the presidential election is decided by the House of Representatives.
According to the Constitution (of THE REPUBLIC!), powers not enumerated to the federation, are the purview of the states. So leaving the con-federation is according to state procedure(s).
How’s that workin’ out, binky?
@Burner January 26, 2022 at 8:18 am
> This calls for an immediate discussion!
I will agree to discussion, immediately. If you agree that we’ll have a vote, thereafter. (Subject to us not knowing what we’re voting for, until after we’ve voted, of course.)
It’s too late baby, it’s too late. Well they got those “forged” Electoral ballots, go ahead & just turn those in & see what happens.
you people should stay away from “alternative facts” and join us in the real world. we get behind WHOEVER gets elected. we get vaccinated against disease. we help each other. its not US against THEM, its WE THE PEOPLE! if you have a god, other than trump, ask for help!
@Rod — You lost me at “you people”. And that’s the trouble with your thinking. You look and see “you people”. We look and we see sovereign individuals. That’s how God sees us too.
(In the fever of your comment you must have forgot to call us all Nazis.)
It will be allowed to die without discussion.
Kinda like our Republic.
Rod, do we come over and talk trash about you on the BDSM sites?