Wisconsin Democrat: ‘F*** the Suburbs’ During Debate On Crime – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Democrat: ‘F*** the Suburbs’ During Debate On Crime


A Wisconsin Democrat is facing heat after boldly stating hate for suburbs while debating the rising crime plaguing cities. 

State Sen. LaTonya Johnson said, “f— the suburbs,” during a debate on the Senate floor over increased funding for police as city crime makes its way to quiet suburbs. 

“To say that these additional police are needed because crime is spilling out into the suburbs. What about these babies who are being lost right in their own cities?” Johnson said. 

After her long-winded rant, Johnson yelled, “F**k the suburbs because they don’t know a goddamn thing about how life is in the city.” 

Critics over Twitter erupted in fury, attacking the privileged Democrat, comparing Johnson’s comments to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 gaffe when she labeled President Trump fans “deplorable.”

“Elected officials say dumb things occasionally, and when that happens, apologies are appropriate,” Wisconsin senate speaker Robin Vos tweeted.  more here

26 Comments on Wisconsin Democrat: ‘F*** the Suburbs’ During Debate On Crime

  1. When elected officials say ‘dumb things’, it just means that tgeir facade cracked a bit, showing who they really are.

    Apologies are an attempt to fix the cracked shield – gotta keep the true hate of us peons from coming out.

  2. Vos:

    Elected officials say dumb things occasionally, and when that happens, apologies are appropriate

    We won’t be able to determine the adequacy of the apology until we see the autopsy report.

  3. “F**k the suburbs because they don’t know a goddamn thing about how life is in the city.”

    The stark fact is we DO know a few things about city life and got the hell outta there!
    The other fact that we DO know is that it these self-hating commie radicals can’t compete with SUCCESS (and they know it) so they have to drag the ‘burbs down to their level of absolute SUCK in order to have a shot at winning!

    Meanwhile we listen to a grinning imbecile yell: “Unity, unity, unity and Build Back Better, Build Back Better, Build Back Better”

    While all we’ve seen is Divide, Divide, Divide and Destroy, Destroy, Destroy!

  4. Speaking of ignorant blacks, here is the new batting order. Gaylord Garland impeached or resigns. Commieliar shifts to AG
    prior to SC appointment.

    Manchelle becomes VP, Pedo impeached or resigns. Manchelle runs as incumbent.

    PDJT imprisoned or assassination.

    200 million fake votes for the Wookie.

    American is over.

    Court packed/term limited

    Guns confiscated.

    Civil War. All godly, studly men killed oin camps.

    Christians rounded up.

    End of days.

  5. Oh, really!? My response would be, “F##k the cities!”
    Ball’s in your court, bitch. Now wha’cha gonna do?
    Oh, and your Racist Card is expired and is now denied.

  6. Funny thing is; the hinterlands can survive without cities, but cities CANNOT survive without the hinterlands.

    Similarly to all those Nazi-like Unions; companies can survive without unions, but unions CANNOT survive without companies.

    For some unknown reason the parasites think they’re the principle organisms – when in actuality they’re nothing but parasites.

    Isolate ANY city on Earth – and the maggots will be eating each other in 3 days.

    Fuckin parasites need a lesson in civility.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “To say that these additional police are needed because crime is spilling out into the suburbs. What about these babies who are being lost right in their own cities?” Johnson said.”

    …you know, there would BE no crime to spill out into the suburbs and you would “lose” far LESS of the “babies in their own cities” if you didn’t scream about rayyyycism, attack people driving down the street, and burn your own grocery stores and other businesses down every freaking time someone who’s DOING the crime gets his just reward for his criminal activities…

  8. “To say that these additional police are needed because crime is spilling out into the suburbs. What about these babies who are being lost right in their own cities?” Johnson said.

    Yeah, what about those babies, liberal bitch?

  9. Since when did the stupid fat black motherfucker care about children except when it was gubbment cheese? In MD they had as many chirrens as possible, never were married, and were paid by the taxpayers to ignore the li’l chirrens to become thugs, joggers, and dindunuffins.

    Who the hell do they think is shooting people?

  10. Anyone remember that old TV show where George Jefferson became really wealthy and decided to remain in the ghetto and help reinvest in the community? Yeah, me neither.


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