Wisconsin Judge ordered the state of Wisconsin to pay for gender reassignment surgeries for two transgender Medicaid recipients – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Judge ordered the state of Wisconsin to pay for gender reassignment surgeries for two transgender Medicaid recipients


On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered the state of Wisconsin to pay for gender reassignment surgeries for two transgender Medicaid recipients. Those recipients, Cody Flack and Sara Ann Makenzie, sued the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, which administers Medicaid, and its secretary, Linda Seemeyer, claiming they unlawfully denied Medicaid coverage for necessary transgender medical treatments.

U.S. District Judge William Conley stated, “The likelihood of ongoing, irreparable harm facing these two individual plaintiffs outweighs any marginal impacts on the defendants’ stated concerns regarding public health or limiting costs.



19 Comments on Wisconsin Judge ordered the state of Wisconsin to pay for gender reassignment surgeries for two transgender Medicaid recipients

  1. It’s weird that a federal judge can force a state to spend its money.
    It’s even weirder that a federal judge can force a state to be complicit in someone’s mutilation.

  2. Øbama appointee. Elections have consequences. Donald Trump’s election will have consequences too, when a Supreme Court with 2, 3, 4… Trump appointees increasingly slaps down idiots like this.

    Even if it means voting for RINOs, do everything you can to keep the Senate Republican!

  3. The nut cases will lose on appeal by the state. Gender dysphoria is not a life threatening mental illness.

    The argument should be this is not the proper treatment for a mental illness. They can take a pill as BHO suggested for other ailments.


  4. Gender reassignment surgery is ELECTIVE COSMETIC surgery in which fully functional body parts are mutilated. The state should not have to pay for elective surgery.

  5. Where in the united states constitution does it state that gender reassignment is a right? Gender change is a blatant indication of mental illness and should be treated as such. Judge Conley is absolutely wrong to mandate this kind of taxpayer abuse. If this is truly his opinion then he should resign immediately.
    I’m tired of dealing with crazy people. It seems that there are more and more of them every day. Common sense seems to be in short supply. We need a judicial review board that can fire mentally deficient judges or crap like this is going to drag out forever.

  6. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
    The treatment should be mental health care, not major surgery.
    If the Judge had said to treat them properly, I would agree.
    But enormous costs put into a poor soul who will probably kill themselves is not effective use of State funds

  7. Not only is the state taxpayer being taken advantage of, all taxpayers are paying for this. The Medicaid program is jointly funded by the federal government and states. The federal government pays states for a specified percentage of program expenditures, called the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) . Usually dollar for dollar match. A district federal judge ruling makes all taxpayers liable.

  8. I recall Obama himself saying some medical treatments are just pricey and there needs to be a cost benefit analysis (not his words,his voters would not understand the phrase) and that sometimes you gotta just give grandma a pill.

    Why does grandma have to just get by with a pill and a nut get 100s of thousands spent on it? Oh, and doctor assisted suicide is all the rage with the left so if some dude says “doc, I need you to cut my bat and balls off and turn the whole package into a catcher’s mit…. or I’ll kill myself” why can’t the doc say “well, fifty cents will get you this green pill; you’ll just go to sleep and never wake up but I’m told there is a funny after taste or for $1 you can take this blue pill and you’ll dream you are Marlon Manro for a bit and then you’ll never wake up- or so I’m told”.

    The left: we have to legalize suicide so those wanting to off themselves can have a doctor’s care to get it done right or if the treatment is to much $$$ AND we must spare no expense so this tranny wont off itself. Would it be too hard to ask for them to pick one option?

  9. Since there’s no such thing as “gender reassignment” WI should be able to get out of this.
    This ignorant judge is using a euphemism to inflict his agenda on a state.
    The state should take this to the Supremes.

    If the judge feels that strongly about perpetuating the delusions of the mentally ill, he should dig into his own pants to pay for it. He has no moral, or legal, right to impose this odiousness on the taxpayers.

    He cannot even remotely justify this arrogation by existing law – and he knows it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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