Wisconsin: Leftist Celebrator So Over- Joyed At Premature Biden Victory Rally, He Punches Out A Woman – IOTW Report

Wisconsin: Leftist Celebrator So Over- Joyed At Premature Biden Victory Rally, He Punches Out A Woman

Gateway Pundit

What a complete shock.
A Black Lives Matter goon beat the hell out of some liberal woman at a Biden celebration in Madison, Wisconsin.

Then when the BLM goon was arrested by police the protesters started screaming at the cops for arresting a black man. More

14 Comments on Wisconsin: Leftist Celebrator So Over- Joyed At Premature Biden Victory Rally, He Punches Out A Woman

  1. The idea that the violence will stop if Biden remains President is wrong. It will continue to escalate. And if Trump is successful LFO. The manure is going to hit the ventilator

  2. Any violence via usage of firearms, even if in self defense, is going to severely hamper the efforts of the Trump team to expose and prosecute the perpetrators of this nationwide fraud.

    As a patriot, this investigational period is the most difficult time for me to not be emotional, irrational, and reactionary.

    Most of you all know how I’d prefer to deal with the libtard nonsense that has infected this country over the last 50+ years, but for now I’m gonna pray and wind my watch. The time to respond in all righteousness will be after Trump is vindicated – because we all know what’s gonna take place all around the country from the multi-color haired parasitical army of participation trophy recipients.

    The hunt will be on 100% to find and remove the vermin from the country at that point, and business will be good.

    This is in God’s hands from this point forward.

    Ooh rah, patriots!


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