Wisconsin: Racine County Sheriff claims he has evidence of election ‘violations’ – IOTW Report

Wisconsin: Racine County Sheriff claims he has evidence of election ‘violations’

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Gateway Pundit

The Racine Sheriff’s Office will hold a hearing on Thursday at 11 AM at the Sheriff’s substation.

Sheriff Christopher Schmaling will unveil the results of an extensive investigation with implications throughout Racine County and Wisconsin. More

13 Comments on Wisconsin: Racine County Sheriff claims he has evidence of election ‘violations’

  1. Gateway has updated the story, video and evidence of democrats committing crime. They promise the press conference will be “lit.”

    I’m assuming the sheriff is making all this public to force the county prosecutor to charge or face a harsh re-election.

  2. Summary: The Wisconsin Election Commission acted unilaterally using COVID for justification to issue an order to all counties that they were not to allow Special Voting Deputies (SVD) into nursing homes to witness the vote by residents deemed indefinitely confined. They did not have the power to break Wisconsin law in this manner.

    At a specific nursing home in Racine County (Mount Vernon?) 48 ballots were cast where it is obvious from the envelops that the staff at the nursing homes or people working under the county clerk filled out the form on the envelop for the patient. There are a number of complaints by family members that the resident was incapable of voting. The nursing home claims that the Election Commission empowered them to vote for their residents based on past preferences (how that was determined is anybody’s guess).

    This is a problem at one nursing home. Racine, according to the sheriff has 11 nursing homes. Multiple 48 x 11 and pretty soon those wanting to cheat are piling up some votes. Multiple by 72 counties and we’re talking thousands of illegal ballots being cast.

    There needs to be an investigation and the Election Commission should be fired.

  3. OAN has witnesses in Brown County (Green Bay) watching one of Zuckerberg’s minions on a cell phone and monitoring a spreadsheet where votes were being counted. https://www.oann.com/wis-group-investigates-2020-election/

    They were monitoring the vote count, calculating how many fake ballots they needed in the counties where they were let in the clerk’s counting rooms to deliver the margin they had predetermined to win the state. I expect the nursing home votes were but one pool of fraudulent votes they pulled from to meet their quotas.

  4. They investigated and documented where laws were consistently violated against Wisconsin and federal election law by unelected administrative officials without proper legislation and voted on approval. Sounds like if someone with standing wants to get the ball rolling they’ll have a pretty good witness.


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