Wisconsin Recount Update – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Recount Update


With Madison’s, Dane county completed its hand count of the November ballots, an estimated 95 percent of all Wisconsin counties have completed the recount with all counties expected to do the same by the Monday deadline.

Totals so far

Trump picked up 628 additional votes

Hillary picked up 653 additional votes

Stein picked up 68 votes and will have spent $3.5 million for an exercise in futility.


16 Comments on Wisconsin Recount Update

  1. Dear Wisconsin. Please make sure to charge every penny this cost, every expense, hour of overtime, every travel receipt, every damn thing to Stein. Make sure the cost is made public as well as whether Stein paid up. If she fights the charges take her to court.

  2. Am I missing something? Where did these extra votes come from? This is a zero-sum game here – an extra vote FOR someone has to come FROM someone. Did Gary Johnson LOSE 1349 votes.

  3. The numbers don’t add up because they are holding milwaukees vote totals. Some people have gained votes because a few precincts had vote errors that caused some votes not to be tallied. They are also now count absentee ballots. Not all states count them when the win has a huge spread so when a recount occurs they have to count them. It all seem confusing but it ultimately shows that trump is still very far ahead. This recount was a waste of money.

  4. remember … many of these people had to be pulled off of other projects, jobs, etc. that they would have been working on … which means that those projects, jobs, etc. will have to be pushed back, causing delays that will have to be paid for by the taxpayers of Wisconsin. Pay up Jill baby!

    Dear Wisconsin: Bankrupt the bitch!

  5. Only 5 counties left to finish it. There are a lot of missing votes out there in Madison and Milwaukee. If, They don’t find it. Trump 10 electoral votes will be take it off. Election officials need to have a complete voting results, Period.

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