Wisconsin Snow Job – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Snow Job

There’s an awful lot of chatter going on about the supposed “Blue Wave” poised to wash over the Badger state and take out Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature.  The dire predictions are being generated by the election this week that featured a single state supreme court seat, a measure to eliminate the state treasury position, and what ever was on the local ballot (school boards, county board, etc.). More

What I have yet to see anyone factor into the relatively marginal races was the record-setting snow storm that hit the upper part of the entire state on election day. Here

Memo to Milwaukee and Madison Democrats – Don’t expect an early November snow storm to save you come the Mid-terms.

5 Comments on Wisconsin Snow Job

  1. Agree somewhat Dr. but still a remarkably low turnout in the most conservative areas where snow wasn’t really a factor. I had to wait in line longer last month to vote on a school referendum. I fear people are getting complacent and all of the reforms will be undone if this continues

  2. I don’t believe that it’s (strictly) complacency. My take is the many are disgusted by the lack of total action with the power they have. State legislature left some “wish list” items on the table. Other reforms that would take initiative from Walker haven’t happened (Transportation Dept comes to mind). Also, I believe, the lack of action and unity from the Congress is having an affect on voters who are just disgusted with how things are not getting done.
    Hopefully they are loading and stacking and making those lists…

  3. Had a flyer in the mail from my state senator. Never claims a party and seems to talk positive about all the changes brought to the state in recent years.

    I had to look her up online to find out her affiliation. Democrat of course.

  4. I’d like to hear form someone who lives there. Are we really surprised that a local with 10 years residence and service to the community (regardless of party) is elected over a 2-year appointed “come here?” That’s not a Blue Wave, that’s like trying to unseat Bobby Scott in Newport News. Just not gonna happen no matter how much you hope.

    Not a good test case by any measure.

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